I left to spend more for a week before mentally retrace the cold out with the pre-Easter campers, so fatal that the nano has only now made completely around the influence caught sleeping around.
Already starting the week before all the anticipated weather clouds more black and threatening. With this premise, with the fact that they wanted to stay around for up to 2 nights with the reserves for the third night, it was decided to anticipate the weather starting Wednesday to return just before the big chill.
This release was long overdue, not because of the route that touched places in my case already seen and magazines, but it finally Feltrin and Santini after years of happy holidays together ushered in a new way to vacation with the first exit with their official T4 California.
Depart late morning Wednesday, the day is slightly covered and not particularly hot destination Lucca.
arrive in a city without any problem circumvented by the massive traffic and historic walls reach the picnic area the Serchio . A nice surprise, not only because it is a newly built plant, clean and tidy bathroom with heated and even wireless Internet access, but because the man who looks after us (who "would not have given any money") is shown in really skilled to speak 3 languages, alternating conversation with more guests and jumping with great ease from one language to another! As if after having crapped enough with his performance in a foreign language, I was failing on two occasions when, by imitating a British crew that was maneuvering before me (with the guide and the door on the right) before I tried to park the T4 the wrong way, then resumed dall'omino, I missed you 3 times the "rails" designed specifically to avoid that in case of rain, the campers will get bogged down in pitch. Of course, in that being trilingual and cursing at me for you to park in correctly, I replied in a low voice, "but what I want it to rain with clear sky?".
After a quick visit to the center of Lucca, home to the setup in the evening, to bed at 21 so what else we have to do after ... even a couple of hours, even if the man had made himself trilingual seriously gufare against us, it starts raining and it continued all night.
3 to zero for man of the parking area.
The next day, luckily the rain leaves room for some ray of sunshine, we head to Pisa. Straight to the car park via Pietrasantina, adjacent to the area for campers.
parked in the parking lot of cars, "confusing" the two campers between the machines so they are giving the eye and seem to just two trucks, to avoid disputes over the break. The tower is there at hand, a sign indicates the square of miracles just 800m.
We are moving, I think good walk at least 25 minutes, blatantly wrong way.
Photo Rite in the square, we avoid the tail of the tower so the children could not go because they are too small, we take the piss out of the Japanese who used the usual picture of what it takes to balance the tower by hand, then off Travel by car back to the sea. Sincerely Pisa is not worth more than 10 minutes of attention.
It 's almost lunch time, we aim to Marina di Pisa with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe coast and then down to below Castiglioncello. We arrive near the former camp Calambrone (Queen of the Sea), where I and Marina have worked several years ago.
passing by and approved for only Position: hard to believe, the ramshackle colony ceded to private ISI few years ago, has become a luxury resort.
slow down and pecking at the corner of a camper in German is a dirt road leading to the sea, turn right and we position ourselves right on the seafront ready for lunch.
The day, in spite of all the most dire predictions of the time, became extraordinarily beautiful, although there are no gentle spring temperatures, the sky is completely clear.
have lunch and decide to continue on to the sea in Castiglioncello and then head directly to Volterra.
arrive all'arrocato Tuscan village hinterland through countries with evocative names such as the Fagiolaia between green hills in pure style wallpaper windows xp and level crossings worth we can do is cry.
directly before we head to the Cliffs Camping to ensure the availability (of course it was empty, had advanced the case for the seasonal opening and there were only two Germans shivering in a tent) , then after considering the alternative of stopping the car park P3, already known to the campers and hour of the network in fact already well-fed motor home, folded back on the campsite, hoping to find a better shelter from the cold.
Visit Rite in Volterra, quick, due to the polar wind unbearable truce that has not left us all afternoon and then dinner and bed.
The next day begins in a "stinky". Let's say that all olfactory Fagiolaia remembered the day before rather than the garden of olives where to stop. After I heard
blame petofonia acute assume was found to be in the wind and the sweet scent that everyone has been nothing but inhaling sulfur fumes that were coming from adjacent metalliferous hills.
We start in the direction of Pomarance (obviously not the place where apples are grown and naranzi) Assigned Merdarello, Marderello ... no ... no ... ... Larderello here ... Enel and we come to the museum with the right timing to the aggregate group that you are going to see the opening of the tourist geysers.

witnessing almost afraid to show that Mother Nature gives us, covering the ears drilled by a hissing sound over 130dB. Listening to a good guide Enel feel satisfaction ecologist Joint Italian pride when we learn that those things steaming smelly and noisy (not the one we're looking at that even in its majesty is now considered "waste" of time) produce as much as 25% of the electricity needs of the Tuscany region (the face of nuclear, wind and all you other beautiful things).
leave this valley full of tubes and head north, destination Abbey of San Galgano . We now arrive when the weather turns for the worse.
San Galgano is a magical place. On the hill stands a small church in which there is a real sword in the stone. In the plain below, however, there are the remains of an old abbey, spectacular as perfectly preserved except the roof is completely missing. So much beautiful place that we have turned the Pooh last video of the House of the Sun
Arthurian In this context, I lose a huge nap in the camper and I miss the visit to the ruins, when I wake up it's time to leave.
But what centers the title "Old Testament" and "New Testament"? Simple, white one in the photo is the "Old", the green "New"!
He said Sabrina, so we liked it and then it was!

Technical Notes path:
mileage: about 1000 (departure and arrival Trento)
Trento - Lucca - Pisa - Marina di Pisa - Livorno - Castiglioncello - Volterra - Larderello - San Galgano - Trento
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mileage: about 1000 (departure and arrival Trento)
Trento - Lucca - Pisa - Marina di Pisa - Livorno - Castiglioncello - Volterra - Larderello - San Galgano - Trento
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