that the Swedes have a problem with alcohol is well known. I've already talked about in another post and the situation has not changed that. For one thing, you just make the medical trainee undergoes healthy (even if moved to take only a sprain ankle) a questionnaire to find out how much alcohol he is usually absorbed in his average day. And if you go out on Saturday or Sunday morning, the sidewalks are pastures carcasses of broken glass and cans.
I personally think that Sweden is to solve the problem of the worst drugs in a free trade system should take drastic and even painful, which would probably mean sacrificing part of a generation, but to eradicate the problem in a radical way. But these solutions do not seem to be part of their modus operandi Scandinavian and - for the truth - any government that bases its consent on the votes it receives. So I fear that things will go on like this for practically forever. Who strives to address the problem and most people who consider it an externality of their culture.
As explained in the post, a system to control the spread of alcohol detected by the enlightened rulers of the kingdom, was to decide to sell the product only in places of state property used for that purpose (s Systembolaget, in fact), which close at 15 on Saturdays and Sundays do not open their own. Coupled with this should be mentioned the very strong tax burden faced by the spirits. These measures are expected to discourage the purchase in the population, but the story said to have been a complete failure. Alcohol is a drug and as such it encourages the user to compulsive consumption. And even if it comes true only in rare cases at the extremes of dependence, it is at all other times a pleasure and a "cultural fact" that in each case will be purchased. Increase does not mean the price will fall so that the use, but only that a share-increasing resources (or worse, their family) will be allocated to its purchase by the consumer, with all the social consequences imaginable. The centers sell them in "special", then, certainly does not limit the access to the product, rather, if possible, increased. Knowing it to be able to buy only up to a certain time on Saturday and in one place, the Swedish girls tend to make excessive stocks, only to consume more than they would if they could choose how and when to use them with less stress.
Moreover, the "prohibition " social alcohol as is the case for other drugs, in my opinion only stimulates its perception as "borderline products", thus attracting the attention and the desire of young consumers looking for their independence. Independence which, paradoxically, are at the end the repetition of the unhealthy behaviors of their parents. It would be desirable in my opinion aware of a gradual integration of alcohol in everyday Swedish culture (as always in Italy, where wine is just part of the culture and not even the case of religion) to free it from its subversive capacity.
effect of all this atmosphere that circulates around the alcohol, these are incredible products that I found available for sale in a supermarket here in Lund.
are almost half-empty bottles of with deciliter in only a few colored syrupy liquid, ready to become ... a whiskey! The label says to add half a liter of water and half a liter of pure alcohol , stir and enjoy.
There's something for every taste: flavored whiskey, Irish cream, vanilla vodka, pear brandy, an unnamed "Italian extract, and dozens more.
Frankly it is difficult whether in front of a rack like that you should laugh or cry. The tragicomic Pirandellian event has never been higher.
see a man who buys these bottles and then fills them with a bad spirit with water, to extract a drink of poor quality and definitely in any case too expensive and more harmful than a regular rum, is really a distressing scene. Frightening and sensational litmus test of certain containment policies that push in the direction exactly opposite to that desired.
About Sweden is not, however, expects to be in front of hordes of alcoholics who wander aimlessly through the city. But if he was invited to a party of young men prepare to load a couple of boxes of Spendrups :)