"We're The Police and we're back ..." Sting began this way in February to the last Grammy Awards.
Last night we were in Turin in 65 thousand to verify if it was true.

Put aside the nostalgia operation, Forget for a moment the gray or partially bald heads of most of those present put aside for a moment the criticism on the non-perfect execution of certain parts, anyway yesterday we saw the real Police of the past, as if someone had kept in the freezer and pulled out a surprise after 25 years.
Sting :
the real director of the group. Someone needs to explain if you have made a pact with the devil, because at 56 you can not have played a physicist, so much energy and charisma to embarrass someone in his twenties.
The voice is always the same, although the art pieces were also lowered to a fifth (there were so many guitarists who have noticed it by ear and also just seeing what our playing on the guitar and bass). Some pieces were "well down" (in shade), which struggled to stand. That he used the bass for most of the time mainly as a complement to the furniture was made known to many (never seen anyone play with a horrible Precision with her!), But yesterday there was a maximum effort to try to live up to a bassist average, partly successful.
simply a genius. if the disks its contribution is 100, the live performance grows to 1000. A true war machine, dozens of drummers (and various musicians) present (could be distinguished for the shiny look in your eyes) left literally speechless.
He, however, affected by age: an inexplicable moment of distraction, while the percussion intro of King of Pain, while we all were waiting for the entry of the concentrated battery (real peculiarity of the piece, the historical gateway " wrong "out of every logical time), He is still thinking and completely blocked at the drums for a few seconds (maybe too much flatulence?) and then jump cat jump on the drums and recovers elegantly piece to general amazement of those present
VOTE: 10
Andy Summers:
the summers pass for him is what brings them worse. 64 years and shows them all. Certainly his contribution is essential, though when in solo part becomes almost annoying.
Bonding with leaden feet of the stage, the concert ends, you put the dark jacket as he finished the day at the office and goes like any other bank employee.
A bit 'absent with the look, the guitar sound bad, but still GREAT!
Rating: 7
the real strength of the band are not the individual components. This is a demonstration that the class is not water.
useless comparisons with the band opening the concert, FictionPlane, led by Joe Sumner, Sting's son.
Joe, father of the same style, same voice, same way you do. Nice pieces, well assembled, although along the lines of those historians of Police.
But this highlights the difference: Police have class, so much class, so as to be the only ones who can scream to the world that "We're The Police ... and we're back."
then explains the absence of grandiose scenery U2 as the school has taught her to do in recent years: they simply did not need it: the grandeur of the show is that just the three of them were finally brought together.
Council for Joe, but you could not just make a tribute to the Police hiding your sources, making full use of that voice that you have fortunately inherited? would you have done more good impression and maybe some money!
Rating: 10
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