Thursday, December 25, 2008
Historical Period Of 1800-1812

Saturday, December 6, 2008
6 Month Baby Coughing
Mariya Mova, Fitnessmodel.com
A well-documented fact in physiology is the reducing basal metabolism during dieting.
Following a diet the decrease in basal metabolism may be of the order of 45%. The reduction in metabolism is a lifesaver that has developed in evolutionary periods in history when people had the need to overcome periods of famine. This mechanism allows to decrease the energy expenditure and protects it from destruction body mass.
How many of you will be successful starting a diet to lose weight at an early stage but in a short time to reach a stalemate and do not lose weight even more of a gram? I think many ...
Often even the opposite thing happens, you put on a diet, you start to lose weight, you will reach the stalled (the basal metabolic rate was then lowered), we are taken to be discouraged and we get tired of the diet ... and eventually stop following the diet and go back more fat than when we started!
This is because if the food restriction continues, and you do not exercise, basal metabolism is lowered and the reduction of fat body ceases, that is why physiological and diet alone can not work. Only if it is associated with diet and exercise you can continue to eliminate the excess body fat because the training is going to act on the metabolism.

Nicole Guerrero
The primary objective of a project aimed at weight loss should be to eliminate the excess body fat. To do this of course is important to take certain nutritional strategies and do physical activity.
physical activity as well as facilitate the process of lipolysis (increase fat metabolism), and allow to burn many calories, promotes an increase in lean body mass compared to its destruction and this allows to preserve metabolism. The FFM is therefore the key determinant for the maintenance of basal metabolic rate, and if this decrease will be difficult to continue to eliminate the excess body fat.
So it is useless to put it there "just" a diet, you also need to work out or the game does not work!
The combination of a nutritionally appropriate associated to a of physical activity is the optimal strategy to eliminate excess body fat.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Can You Use Corn Oil To Make Brownies
But as the lead polluter dispose of a battery of 135Ah that weighs roughly what my son?
Now I can also boast of having given my contribution to environmental protection. Rather than throwing the battery of 135Ah camperino the services I am dealing with a method of regenerating. Translated
in a nutshell: Instead of spending € 300 for a battery that I use 15 times per year to keep the fridge on and start the webasto when it is cold, with about 50 € and a bit 'of holy patience I'm back in time.
Abstract: In the winter, found the car battery charging, and despite this dies again after a few days. Normally the battery is replaced. WRONG!
8 out of 10 batteries which are considered to actually have spent only a problem of sulfation. In practice, to force them to charge and discharge cycles of many chemical reactions, and then a layer of sulfur crystals which over time reduces the battery capacity until his death.
Who sells batteries does not say that sulfur can be removed easily. It 'something that we Italians we are well accustomed to the rest of the country where every time you finish the soap was bought back the entire dispenser could not be otherwise.
In Germany, however, than to buy refills of soap, stick to the battery suffers a little apparecchietto MEGAPULS known that creating a surge from the 12 volt, shattering the windows of sulfur clearing the plates inside the battery.
The trick is simple: you go on ebay, trying MEGAPULS, and with 59 € you home from Germany apparecchietto that is simply connected to the battery. Red wire to the positive terminal, black wire to the negative pole. You do not need a degree. Above 12.8 V
began working under off for not further consume the charge.
in October when it broke the fridge at home waiting for the replacement I had to use the fridge for a week without being able to recharge the camper. And I think I have given the coup de grace to the battery now at 8th year of life. Around November 10 in fact, left still for a few days after the charge, marked only 9.10 volts, and of course I wanted to know webasto fridge it to ignite the engine off.
Today, after two weekends of the charging MEGAPULS attacked (about 70h of application), the tension has risen to 11.6 volts and the constant webasto managed to leave. I read that it takes about 15 days to return the application "shining" the battery. I did not hurry. Saturday and Sunday I can hang the trap from the balcony and let the whole office without problems. I have the whole winter ahead. I can wait. I'm curious to see how it will end.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
There Is A Lump On My Dog's Tail
Thanks to my friend Dennis Giusto and his wife for bringing such a prestigious San Remo bodybuilding competition as the Night of Champions. The event took place inside the new and modern structure of Palafiori (city center), recorded a large number of visitors (sold out). Good participation of athletes come ITALY by all, even the highest level of the participants. Everything went so inpeccabile with excellent organization, the fair has been successful, even by those who do not care about our sport. I'm sure having the organizational skills of Dennis Ross and his wife, the next event will be even grander.
was also very happy about the participation of two professional Dennis James and Melvin Anthony, making it a ballad style break dance has demonstrated once again as a physicist so powerful (I think around 120 / 130 kg) can also be flexible and agile, it was lowered down by way of limbo and could remain in balance in mid-air with its large, rose flawlessly. He had removed his shirt for at least one pose to the public would welcome (conpreso myself). I also really liked the performance of Mavi Gioia, she impressed me with its features: excellent proportions, muscles toned and balanced, pretty face a real doll in the best sense of the term, the exhibition also nice, I wish him much success . The only thing that concerns me as I was in the weight category up to 175 cm high, is that it should establish a true height weight category as these categories when they were born in the early 90's.
Let's take a practical example that I am tall 167, it was 167-100 = 67 and that was the weight limit, no further tolerance +3 kg + 4 kg, etc.. Otherwise, it is no longer a high weight category. Indeed, if instead you did a category of tolerances height weight - 2 kg I think there would be a lot more participation by so many guys in shape. Certainly I weighed 64 kg which I could never measure myself with the top two that weighed at least 8 kg or more than my weight. Deserved, in any case, the first place Ercolani Mirco (selected for the World Cup classic BB). Athlete symmetrical, full and voluminous, very well prepared for the runner Giansante Gabriel.
In the category 90 kg was imposed on the excellent Daniel Furious returned to top form after a long absence, the excellent performance of the sample anhée Dennis Giusto 3rd place, darling of the audience applauded and acclaimed, who gave way to a posedown among the people that sent everyone into raptures. In the top I really liked Alessandro Grassi, but I can still do better, given the potential. Unbeatable Alex Zuccaro also the best in the 80 kg category, thick and bulky which won a standing ovation general.
Thanks to all the boys in the "UNIVERSE DENNIS" San Remo, especially Marcello friend who helped me during the race and in the gym, for all the times that I broke the boxes of photos for me during training, always helpful and kind to everyone.
in preparation for the IFBB North Italy, in May 2008.
With: Valerio, Flavio, Sergio, Rene, Giancarlo, Alfonso, Hugh, Gilberto, Massimo, Dana and family, Alexander for the photos, the music for Cico, Dennis and all those that I have encouraged.
thanks to Paul and Luciano, the gym "Sport Wellness" for allowing me to use their facilities.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cervical Mucus During The 2ww?
is the fourth time in recent weeks that he ran by zapping (and I remain amazed) by yet another replica of Staying Alive. I do not know what I'd give to let go of all the complications and modern take the time machine, bringing perhaps only behind the film ...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Nerf Paty Decorations
Reflections on Body Bulding
Maybe my name will mean little to the public that law, but the fate of those who are dedicated to this sport and this hardly considered a bit 'mistreated. Instead
is a noble sport that combines the values \u200b\u200bof the body and mind by rewarding only those who are passionately dedicated.
hard training and nutrition care are the cornerstones of body-building, deep respect for self and body awareness goals to be pursued before the aesthetic results. Already .. aesthetics! a very popular word nowadays, in this age of "voyeurism" where the sound is also important if you are not.
How many of us are willing to spend astonishing figures in specialized centers or pseudo these , plastic surgery, in beauty products and other substitutes like, everything is permitted, provided it represents a shortcut to reach the hoped-line or otherwise that looks good.
But with little money you can subscribe to a gym and start training , of \u200b\u200bcourse, times are getting longer and the effort is enough to discourage most people, but the results are the real and lasting and certainly more rewarding. Cellulite and bacon are fought on the field every day, especially at the dinner table, where we feed ourselves.
In fact, the concepts of proper nutrition should be clear to everyone, because nowadays the "welfare" allows us to consume, in calories, very little more than the basal metabolic rate, so it is essential to understand the need to ingest the food with intelligence and reason to avoid not only unsightly, but also health problems.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Delta Medallion Qualification Miles
HEIGHT 168 cm
weight 64 kg
preferred culture: Labrada, Ray, Levrone, Yates, Mentzer, and our
, and I hope eventually to succeed.
Having very little time, and closely monitoring the recovery factor, for several years divided into two training sessions per week with a few basic exercises.
The sessions last about 60 'minutes (including breaks). Alterno periodically the various training systems, to overcome an impasse and steps monotony and give a new boost to the psyche. To prepare to compete at
NORTHERN ITALY EASY (fitness category, the ratio of height to weight 4kg) IFBB which took place in my city Sanremo, I trained for 12 weeks, doing three training sessions per week, of which the third of this total throughout the body. (Some sogghignerà , saying that is why I am qualified). But they respond with this phrase
Honestly I did not understand the criteria and standards of evaluation of this category .....
my part by going back and doing self-criticism and objective analysis, I made the mistake of trying to do better (even though he knew to be wrong), not charging enough in carbs as I should Pregara to Saturday, and the day of competition was a pound and a half under my weight .. Worse still, I was overwhelmed with the tension that I could not control (a violin string comparison was less tense, direct inexperience) so I laid expressionless and without bring out the best.
I am very proud of the results achieved at the human level. Especially in the gym of my friend Dennis Giusto (Mr. Universe). Here I found a genuine atmosphere and camaraderie that only a champion like him could create, I received many compliments from people who did not know sincere and friendship shown to me for me is in itself a great victory. I would gladly have played the game the following week and the other later, but unfortunately I can not take another day off from work. It will be for another event.
Back to us, I wish all this great experience and especially to the youth council is not easy to be fooled by promises, because the results that you build with more time will be slow at times, but will be yours (not the result of chemistry) and long-lasting, will not disappear like snow in the sun.
regard to race, the only thing I changed, apart from weekly training in more that 3 instead of 2, the power was smaller only in carbohydrates and simple sugars.
The thing that really helped was to eat lots of nuts, which I gave a good mood and energy ... PS Try to eat what you like (with a minimum of attitude) and digested better.
supplements help, but do not make miracles, adequate and proper diet Yes, (and also the right attitude).
to my teacher Dr. FIF Blacks for their valuable advice given me food, (you're the No. 1). A
Mark Furfaro (Markus) backstage that made me feel like Dorian Yates.
To my brother Joseph, who gave me a strong psychological help, even if only by phone. A
Luke and friends of Ernesto "Newsportstudio.
A "Physical Culture" the first magazine I bought in 16 years and what I was looking forward to the next number could .....
A big greeting and a good workout to all the people loyal and sincere in the hope that you find your place in the world, far from envy and from negative people, because they oppress your growth, while the sports fraternity that unites us is safe that will make us grow.
And not just physically! ROMULUS
is available for advice at the gym, "DENNIS UNIVERSE "Sanremo.
Website: www.romolopersonaltrainer.com
Friday, September 12, 2008
Womens Jacket Elbow Patches
The ideal workout should last approximately 50 minutes, because it has been scientifically proven that testosterone (male sex hormone anabolic) over a period of 35/40 minutes decreases drastically and then those who are training for more muscle would have the opposite effect all'anabolismo; catabolism (or muscle in physiological deficit), and then nothing miglioramenti.Morale do more does not equal better. But training in a great amount of time, it's best!
good workout ROMULUS
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Anwsers Tp The Sandlier Oxfordlevel E
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where To Rent A Basketball Court In New Jersey

If you are trained throughout the year, the body needs a break of at least a month to recover from all the efforts which it was submitted. I know your first thought is that stopping you lose all the results but believe me they are in the world of body building for over 10 years and I can safely assure you that it is not so! Just be careful what you eat and the goals achieved are not lost.
From experience I can tell you that resting in August when return to work in September, my loads were at a 10% increase, I know it sounds unbelievable but it's true, because this break with the body is rehabilitated in all its parts and is ready to resume at large.
But if you can not just stand still we see how you can train without the physical stress, suppose you have a gym in the place where you go to spend the holiday and that your period of leave is 15 days.
First, let us supply: I recommend light meals and a limited use of carbohydrates, your energy needs with built-in fiber (ie lots of vegetables and fruits) and never forget (whether you are at sea and in the mountains) to bring with you a bottle of water to avoid unpleasant incidents such as dehydration.
Also remember to take a multivitamin at breakfast.
treat hours training for those of you who will travel to a mountain resort:
's equipment required if you're passionate about the mountains are good walking shoes and a heart rate monitors to adjust your pace based on heart rate .
I would opt for 2 times a week for 30-40 minutes each, with a slight slope, and every mountain trail is marked with all its features, if you notice that the slopes are too high and slow the pace if not increase the speed of the walk. Set the heart rate to 70% of your maximum rate.
After the walk you do 4 sets of 20 reps of abs on the floor.
Dedicate a weekly workout at fitness facilities, a full-body comprises:
- 4 / 6 sets of 20 repetitions of flexion to the floor with your hands shoulder width apart
- 4 / 6 sets of 20 reps of squatting (ie you squat without weight)
- if you are lucky enough to find support where lift (make sure they are safe) performed 2 sets of traction for maximum repetitions
To be able to run the two week you spend on vacation this type of training will be more than sufficient to maintain the results achieved during the year and will ensure adequate recovery for the resumption in the gym.
treat hours training for those of you who will travel to a seaside resort:
Again, the necessary equipment is relatively small, or you can just bring you sneakers and a heart rate monitor.
sessions of aerobic activity per week and are 2 you can choose from a run of 30-40 minutes on the beach (keeping your rate to 70% of maximum) or to walk the same length of time in the water, making sure to immerse your legs up to 5-10 cm above the knee. If you choose the second option, remember to walk slowly as the stress will be increased (while retaining 70% of maximum heart rate). Terminate
aerobics sessions (regardless of the choice) performed 4 sets of 20 reps of abs on the floor.
to complete the training do a full-body workout composed as follows:
- 4 / 6 sets of 20 repetitions of flexion to the floor with your hands shoulder width apart
- 4 / 6 sets of 20 reps of squatting (ie you squat weightless)
- if you are lucky enough to find support where lift (make sure they are safe) performed 2 sets of traction for maximum repetitions that are unable to perform
IMPORTANT: Remember not to aumentrare sessions at your leisure, is perfectly useless, because in that case would go really to affect the results for which you have so much effort in palestra.Le women who decide to follow this card remain the same times and modes of aerobic training, but halving the free body that is: 3 sets of 10 reps of push-ups, 3 sets of 10 reps of squatting and a maximum range of movement (if you can not miss this year or get help from your friend: you have to do that held by the legs and help to rise, so download part of the weight that you will bear arms).
Source: BodyBuilding.it
Monday, August 25, 2008
Nars Blush For Olive Skin Tone
In recent times, certainly all the fans in the gaming industry iron will certainly have heard more than at other times of the training brief, intense and infrequent. Unfortunately still there is still no spread of that training as it should be and maybe the problem is that things sensible and productive, but not commercial like the ordinary people who do not care about the truth. It is my task now to explain what is and what is not generally a brief, intense and infrequent training, but will explain in short, a great workout short variant, which is the HEAVY DUTY created by the now defunct but legendary Mike Mentzer.
Heavy Duty
The method has been developed and improved over the two books written by Mentzer Heavy Duty and Heavy Duty 2: Mind and Body (Mind and Body). The training in question, as we shall see, is not a simple writing exercise to follow like sheep but is rather a joint master of philosophical ideas, training techniques, endurance, perseverance and passion for building a better physical and above all a mind free from prejudice and better link that distorts reality. I can say that reading the texts of that training is a real life lesson for those who like to know the truth in every circumstance of life. I will not elaborate too much on the philosophical question as Mentzer as no one can succeed in better understanding the essence of training HEAVY DUTY.
But what is a workout HD? Many of you will know that a high intensity training as called BII, BIIO, HIT, uses a few similar concepts for all. Without entering on the main methods mentioned above, I will tell you that the Heavy Duty uses the same principles, although it is much more like a BII method that the other two remaining methods. I can say that the key to everything is to seek high intensity to get the best possible results from both methods listed above that from HD. The concept of intensity is of course very complex and difficult to define and understand, but you have to treat you with the utmost care when you push the damn iron.
how to structure a training schedule
Mentzer First, the method makes use of only a handful of multi-joint exercises normally or isolation if there is a superset of half thus implementing the technique of pre-Exaust System.
Here following is a list of compound exercises (basic) and non-productive and damaging isolation in order to build, change or modify a table of Heavy Duty training as I will show later.
FUNDAMENTAL multiarticolari:
Squat, Deadlift, Deadlift stiff-legged; Cut sumo, Leg press, bench press / incline / declined; bench press / incline / declined with dumbbells, parallel to the deflection; Lat Pull-to-Machine and tight grip on her back, Lat Pull-to-Machine taken prone Traction the bar close grip and supine; Chins taken prone rowing a handlebar barbell slowly back; Stretching over the head with dumbbells; Scroll standing dumbbell or barbell, Pulley low; Bench to close grip; Side Bend .
Pullover respiratory lumbar extensions, normal and reverse crunch, crunch to the cable; Calf, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, finger extension, wrist flexion, L-Fly, rotator cables, training for the neck and took a pinch, plug with thick bar; Exercise for the wrists, pushed to the wire
sets, reps, PAUSE, RECOVERY ....
Each exercise is of course composed of a monoserie pulled to the maximum. To understand combs, you must complete the series of repetitions with maximum effort possible to progressively increasing loads or repetitions at each training session. Many of you will think, `How does only one set to grow muscle?", And here lies the secret that explains very well and Mentzer, also based on physiological studies why. In short, each set taken to failure with a small increase in load trigger the principle of adaptation which serves to defend the body and the body defends itself by increasing the mass with the principle of hypertrophy / hyperplasia. Of course the second set if there would be less productive because they would not have a performance level as the first, and then do not trigger this important principle. Remember that each set in most any workout triggers biochemical processes which disadvantage is the recovery and thus the principle of super compensation is weighed down by unnecessarily wasting energy. As for the reps to be followed there is no fixed rule, see what is good for you, even if Mentzer in his latest book recommends specific repeats, also based exercises. Take a general maxim, which is normally the repetitions for the lower body must be higher than those used for the top.
Everything else has said could lead to confusion or may appear too easy, but it is not at all. It must comply with a form of execution flawless, slow and controlled, to take advantage of every rep and to take away the shadow of the accident.
The difference is, however, between the Heavy Duty and other methods are not the choice of exercises, sets or repetitions, as an expert in high intensity training could say that already is training well, but the difference is in the recovery . Everyone is more or less genetically predisposed to weight training. So recovery is essential to have good results even if you have not. Each of us will have to test what will make recovery even if there are no fixed rules on the physiological basis valid for all. Nell'Heavy Duty recovering normally from a workout and another goes from 96 to 120 hours, but according to the athlete and his strength level reached may well need even more, otherwise it would be tantamount to the principle of super compensation.
below shows you some examples of training style based on how Hayy Duty Mentzer recommends in his book.
Crosses dumbbell bench press superset with Incline Bench in
pullover superset with Lat Pull-to-machine reverse grip
superset with Leg Extensions Leg Press Calf
standing lateral raises to 90 °
Raise Standing Barbell Curl
triceps extensions to Parallel cable superset with close grip
Leg Extension Squat superset with Calf in
WEDNESDAY restart the cycle
From this table it appears that is only true approach to training the short, intense and infrequent. We say that the first training session is to bring the athlete to an abstract concept, namely that intensity. Additionally, at least initially have a fixed frequency of training rather than the ideal infrequency to optimize the recovery. The second exercise (shown below) is instead a much evolved and certainly more productive than the first allenamento.Esso instead of being divided into four days is divided into only two days of training, but most productive years and the toughest course on the mechanism of recovery.
Squat Pull plug on her back (reverse)
Slow Next
Calf standing
Then comes in the nature of Heavy Duty itself, just based on high intensity and recovery. Here replaces the infrequency of training where between each seat and the other at least initially must pass at least 96 hours. As Mentzer suggests recovery is not fixed but is variable also according to our level of training achieved. More in fact, grows, gains strength and its mass as we lengthen the recovery time between training and the other also coming in well 8-9 days between each other. I stress that this recovery is not at all affordable for a beginner, but it will be productive when it has reached an intensity that you need such a recovery. In addition, this factor also varies according to age, work, and especially as you sleep regularly every night and how you eat.
More commonly known as Prestacanggio technique consists in preferring an isolation exercise Multiarticulated an exercise to try to increase exercise intensity. This technique is implemented in two slightly different ways. The first is to do the series or all series of the year of isolation with the recoveries due to then go for the series or all series of the year Multiarticulated. The second is to implement this technique in Superset, or do the exercise in isolation and without recovering to return immediately to do the exercise Multiarticulated. Heavy Duty In the second method is highly recommended.
We highly recommend reading Heavy Duty 2: Mind and Body lunge to understand the essence of that approach.
Source: Henry Bronzetti (BBZONE)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Direct Tv Dvr Delete History
Who is the trainer? The Personal Trainer is the personal coach. A practitioner of physical education can recommend physical activity more suited to the needs of each.
Where does the personal trainer?
More and more people rely on this figure to obtain valid results or simply to have a motivator during the sessions training. why limit physical activity environments and hard times? The places in which the personal trainer are many: home, gym, hotel, office or workplace, swimming pool, park, sea / lake, mountain and sports clubs.
Why choose a personal trainer?
The Personal Trainer can follow step by step through your training, or provide advice that will allow you to learn to train. E 'can also give you valuable tips that can make significant qualitative benefits to your diet.
How to choose a personal trainer?
If you have decided to consult a personal trainer request always an appropriate curriculum and make sure it is really qualified. The title of most important study in Italy has a degree in physical education, and certifications and diplomas do not always provide the necessary skills. In each case valued the experience of those ahead of you, there are personal trainers who have not graduated a technical and relational plurilaureati higher than their colleagues.
Experience: make sure your personal trainer have a good experience in your field of interest, there are so many aspects of physical activity that is difficult to know them all in detail.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AND PRESENCE: while you do not have to be impressed by the impressive muscle mass, even more accessible by using shortcuts or not lawful, on the other hand beware of a personal trainer who comes in clearly overweight and out of shape. The personal trainer should reflect the general concept of health and wellness, if not paying attention to your body, let alone those of their customers!
seriousness and discretion: do not be fooled or impressed by a thousand promises, beware of who supports or speaks ill of his colleagues over their quality without providing actual (professional experience, curriculum, etc...)
Source: my- personaltrainer.it
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With the experience gained in all these years, I can guarantee that a person followed by me, with the right advice for a successful training and without any unpleasant accidents, in a few months can 'get physical access to the best of his ability' ..
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Gold Purifier Process
2008 Fri 15
Cooked to perfection and make us worthy to sit on a train of the seven dwarves, then while driving dressed as conductor of the Polar Express we sprechen security regulations, the talented photographer singing yodeling we take a picture to remember treason. Apart from the train onto a narrow tunnel at the very least, where a simple fart would have similar effects in Hiroshima. The tunnel ends in a huge room soon dug in the middle of the mountain, room after the first glance appears all the greater when it continues for many meters down in another room that goes on in other tunnels. A highly effective multi-color laser is used to explain visually the level of the sea and the subsequent withdrawal and deposit of salt. We reach the bottom at this point by a big slide Wood, a hundred feet long, a lot of fun for adults too. We continue to visit the galleries, where our guide will show machinery and working period. Too bad for the standard audio recorded in Italian, because the German leadership blurts out jokes galore, for example when talking to a Russian tourist impersonating a big brass pump from 18t to a distillation of whiskey. We arrived in a big long room completely invaded by hundreds of meters, so much so that we use to cross a big boat towed the rope, I do not know why it reminds me of a clouded Charon. Obviously, driving in his Teutonic English offers us something like boarding on the Titanic, and he obviously Leo DiCaprio, with the Czechs and Russians who laugh out loud even if they did not understand the joke in English. On the walls, while games and laser lights at all trivial and very impressive. Going up the bowels of the mountain with a cremaliera and finally return to the light of day with the usual train. What can I say: nice so handsome!
is dinner time, just climb over the mountains and descended to Hallein us sneak a free ride in the car park in front of the huge paper mill m • real, right next to the adjoining sawmill (N 47 ° 40,523 ', E 13 ° 06,647'). For security, parked under a streetlight and just having the lockup keeper of the paper mill. Is it still raining in torrents of rain and all'assordante noise that lasts all night is accompanied by the sound of the sawmill and at each change of shift workers, but ultimately a peaceful and safe place to sleep.
Fri 16
We wake up now saturated with moisture, and without due consideration of shit we on time in the 159 direction Villach. We leave after a while 'the highway because the column stops, we go out and continue to the old scenic road that runs along all the little villages. We stopped quite by chance in the parking lot of a Untertauern Wildlife Park (N 47 ° 18,018 ', E 13 ° 30,357 '). It's raining cats and dogs, but 8.5 ° C does not discourage us from admiration deer, llamas and many other species of animals free (so to speak), in large enclosures. We continue to Villach and Bad-Trebesing we stop for lunch break (N 46 ° 52,855 ', E 13 ° 30,822') in a convenient parking. The clouds disappear within an hour and the temperature rises at an altitude of 25 ° C, which allows us to quickly dry all the wet stuff during the previous day.
arrive in Villach and quickly visit the town and then take direction Faakersee .
Small note: whatever sells the company that owns this van photographed in Villach, I do not count:), maybe in Italy would not have been so successful
RV camping at Lake Night Florian (N 46 ° 34,108 ', E 13 ° 55,710') wondering why in austria Green grass grows so straight and of uniform height.
Sun 16
Let Faaker see the entrance to the motorway in the direction of Klagenfurt but deviate in the direction of Wildpark Rosegg (N 46 ° 35,256 ', E 14 ° 01,497') Where ' and spend a few hours In feeding Bambie and kindred beings with what should be our lunch.
In the afternoon we head towards Worthersee looking for a lakeside walk, which is impossible to give up access to the lake via a public road. Along the lake and then we stop Velden, opposite the Casino . Walk Rite between Ferrari F430 Mercedes Mclaren and then to bed at a rest area on the A2, with unparalleled views of the lake and an unexpected helicopter that landed on the most beautiful thing a few yards away behind their backs for help a person (N 46 ° 37,767 ', E 14 ° 05,657'). Quiet place for rest, well monitored by the Polizei and the security department of the highway, we both noticed while watching the parking lot.
Mon 18
Departure for home. We decide to return from the Pusteria and make a brief stop in Cortina D'Ampezzo in Belluno. It 'nice to see that the people who go there in Velden soldoni them and does not need to show it to others, while in Cortina is full of unlucky people who flaunts and makes sborrona back and forth in the center.
Length: about 1000km
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