The Fisiokinesiterapia
exercises with the stick. Also known as Fisiochinesiteapia means therapy that takes place with the movement. Today, more and more people are turning to gyms, spas, sports and physical therapists to feel good, this is due to the benefits of physical activity. kinesiotherapy is an important branch of medicine, rehabilitation, can be used to treat the vast majority of musculoskeletal diseases. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of this therapy, now you can not open an outpatient physical therapy if you have a room dedicated to fitness.
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In practice, it is used for the recovery of lost function due to a traumatic event or orthopedic disease (arthritis, fractures, muscle or tendon injuries, dislocations, sprains, scoliosis, infections, etc..), neurologic (stroke, multiple sclerosis , Guillain Barré syndrome, cerebral palsy, paralysis, midwives, neuro-muscular diseases, etc..), rheumatology (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc..), cardiovascular (heart disease), respiratory (ipovalidità a long immobilization)
There are several types motion: passive mobilization by a physiotherapist or a machine (eg. the Kinetec), active mobilization, active-assisted, strengthening exercises, coordination, targeted physiotherapy, remedial gymnastics, vascular, Mckenzie methodical or manipulation.
Walking on a stepper.
For neurological invented methods may be used by different therapists: Vojta, Kabat, Bobath, Castillo Morales, Perfetti, Doman. There is a right way and a wrong, the treatment must be tailored to the pathology and symptoms of patients. neurological patients may present a clinical picture very different depending on the type of problem, for example, a person who had a stroke, "mild" in 3 / 6 months targeted rehabilitation may learn or relearn the lost functions for a fee that enables you to perform all activities of daily living. Other patients who have suffered serious harm may not have the ability to walk and be bedridden with severe motor difficulties in these cases after a year all the authors agree on the impossibility to recover lost functions, then the physiotherapy consists of passive motion to prevent joint stiffness and other musculoskeletal consequences of immobilization. babies being born with cerebral palsy need more time to learn to crawl, crawl, sit and walk, but with years of work can be achieved unexpected results. | |
Within orthopedic , best results are obtained using both traditional physical therapy as methods developed by some expert physiotherapists.
For example, in diseases of the spine with pain radiating to the leg (sciatica) or higher (cervical brachialgia), exercises and postures Mckenzie in most cases can eliminate the symptoms are supported by scientific evidence.
Other methods based on manual therapy have been developed and refined by Cyriax, Maitland and Kaltenborn, based on manipulation, myofascial techniques, exercises and stretching.
on this page will not go into the merits of taping and orthoses because they only facilitate the movement.
Patients who have suffered a fracture when removing the plaster, will face stiff joints, weak muscles and fear of recurrence.
Initially it will have to play the passive motion and stretching exercises to reduce stiffness, and muscle strengthening exercises in the gym and finally proprioceptive rehabilitation to regain security in activities of daily living.
exercises to relax the joint capsule, and allows a greater range of motion, in my experience the best results are obtained with the extension.
E 'always important to respect the threshold of pain.
patellofemoral syndrome, which is the movement of the patella to the outside, the most effective therapy is the strengthening of the vastus medialis oblique muscle and stretching of the ilio-tibial bandelletta, the hamstring ligament and outer wing.
For the post-operative rehabilitation of the shoulder rotator cuff, all orthopedic surgeons recommended the reinforcement of the stabilizer muscles, so it will work on rotations against the resistance of the bands, the pulley and pushing a rubber ball against the wall .
Osteoporosis is a disease of advanced is the decrease in bone density, it increases the risk of fractures. To slow or block progress, gymnastics is the best treatment because it receives more stimulation the greater the deposition of bone calcium inside.
cardiovascular rehabilitation on the recumbent
The cardio vascular who benefit from physiokinesitherapy are the coronary. Patients who suffer from it when the situation has stabilized, should have regular sessions of cardiovascular exercise that consists of an hour of mild exercise preceded and followed by heating. The objective is to strengthen the heart because it is able to maintain the lower heart rate at rest and during daily activities, reducing the risk of heart attack. |
Regarding respiratory problems, the physiotherapy is particularly indicated in patients with COPD (COPD).
In these patients, even if the damage is irreversible, it can improve notevomente the quality of life, very often these people are struggling for a walk of 200 meters, the exercise improves physical performance.
Another disease treated with this therapy is female urinary incontinence. E 'caused by weakness of the perineal muscles (the levator ani) that can occur after childbirth or with age.
are held exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and synergistic: adductor, external rotation of the hip and buttocks.
Dr. Massimo Defilippo Physiotherapist
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