cinema in Sweden (at least that is my experience) is living with a northern posting. Forget the typical interest of the UGC or the Warner Village and expect in the "SF" to find than a long queue but made up of people waiting calmly - even if the movie is about to begin - to buy your ticket or its popcorn.
The thing that always amazed me so much is that, unlike Italy, where events are planned from 13 pm to 2 am now, here each film (whether or not multiplex) provides daily for each film , a maximum of 2 planes, of which the most "Evening" (at best) is at 21.10. The former is often around 17-18.
Now, I do not really know what motivations demographic push to these choices, maybe the cold weather that prevents objective to return safely home if you quit after 23, but certainly it often causes an "all sold out for the evening show. Given then that often film remains in the bill no more than two weeks, it is easy to miss the train ... Perhaps the inclusion of another show could guarantee profits for operators and convenience to users. But there's nothing to do here in Sweden in front of a custom consolidated profit is the least of their thoughts.
must of course add that my experience is limited to the area of \u200b\u200bSkåne (Malmö and Lund), but I do not think anywhere else is different.
With regard to cinema itself, the rooms are usually very friendly (even the last I could stretch my legs without reaching the back of the seat in front) and the excellent service. Generally small, therefore prefer quality to quantity. The film
as is well known but are not translated subtitles. We must say that when you take a little 'familiarity with the English language watch movies in their original language is something else entirely.
As for prices, we are sorrowful notes. Seeing a film costs at least € 9.5 and also the various subscription or discount cards are of little use ... Unfortunately, usually in the Nordic countries this is a price to pay. Patience, it will mean that we will restrict ourselves to good movies, so spending more than € 20 a year ... :)
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