In this post I talked Swedish habit of alternating the sauna baths in the icy water.
Well, I never thought that someone close to me would have ventured in such great company, but ... Ilana last Sunday has not found something better to do than to experience a true Viking. There is little to say in these cases ... the photos speak for themselves.
Ilana and her friend had taken a sauna with "leap into the sea near Malmö.
The view is what it is ... capoccella the city is behind a frozen sea.

The pier leads straight into the middle of the Cocytus. How not to build a sauna in the end? The look nice and the furniture, the universal symbol of hearth and hospitality, it's just a smokescreen that hides the cruel reality ...

Tell me who would not discouraged by these visions ...

The sign above is very explicit. Today is not at all cold. the temperature of 4 °, 1 ° that of water. If you do not believe it, look at the picture below:

Of course it was forbidden to take pictures inside the sauna, then, with a jump of 80 degrees, you jump directly to the next, and the unsettling walkway ..

At the bottom there is a ladder that allows agile access to the sea ... (In the offshore, so no ice cream ...)

... but given a choice, why not opt \u200b\u200bfor an inviting pool ice?

And above all, because ?

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