Swedes have a precise word to describe their relationship with the world, and this word is " Lagom ." refraining from making comparisons with what could be nouns carriers of other peoples in order to avoid unnecessary social anger, I just say that comparison of a Swedish "prey" to Lagom a Tibetan monk is a kind of black block in the hood they just soaked in bleach.
This word, which has no exact translation in any language known (for some reason), it literally means "right." Or even "cooked to perfection." And now the pedantry of the word "dot" reveals all the inherent sense of this tragic attitude. For the Swedish Lagom is a kind of way of life, we may define the "cost behavior", which is always in an almost complete detachment from worldly things, its needs, its small problems, too narrow to be truly addressed. Here in Skåne, in fact, a look with the eyes of grouper says more than a thousand curses Livorno. The
Lagom permeates the lives of Swedes, with the exception of course of Friday and Saturday nights, the days of "how the hell do we think", a phrase - this - I think that all Italian translation did not specify any other language.
Now you might think that it is pleasant to live in a social environment where peace and quiet reign supreme, where problems are transcended, where the shape eliminates the substance of emotion ( can not believe that the Swedes specimen never anger or frustration ) and in which essentially a discussion about the Rotary Club Leibnizian ideal world it would seem almost as loud a clandestine meeting of fowls in southern Paraguay, but I assure you it is not.
Or at least, it is as long as the blood begins to boil for the objective problems.
all know that we Italians are quite fumantini, each in his way, and what in particular makes me crazy so intolerable is the obstacle, the unnecessary slowness, the mail queue. Look, for someone who can not stand these things, Sweden is a country that offers phenomenal challenges and rarely possible to win.

I make a couple of examples. If you're a cashier a cinema and the films are about to start in 3 minutes, usually you hurry in the discharge of your basic functions, such as taking the money -> to give the popcorn and tickets. But no! The cashier is affected Swedish by Lagom and therefore can only perform these basic operations with its typical slow devastating. I swear I saw with my own eyes put all the pieces of 10 crowns in the same direction, a clear sign of an obsessive-Complus, whose sole effect was making me lose the BEGINNING of the film.
another example office immigrants. Here, here reaches its peak because the employees as well as being naturally soporific in their elders are also slow, which always adds that "something" vague in all operations. Just press the button for the next customer will take about a quarter of an hour. Obviously in these places is consumed then the horrible crime of "filling the forms at the counter," unbearable for me. Fortunately, the offices are very popular and usually well organized, so operations can be carried out anyway with a certain speed. Let's say five times the Roman time in the same conditions (but in Rome do not exist and thus one is always at least one day).
Another example regards the outward behavior, but this time there is no report in : I was on the train to Copenhagen and the vast majority of people who were there with me was going to the airport, I suppose to catch a flight. Well, the train was delayed by 20 minutes and continued to linger over this constantly and seemingly reason along the way, making risk a sensational late.
Now, of course, we all know that protest is useless in these conditions, rather it is to be jerks. In short, it is by humans. But while I was giving ( humanly ) in outburst, trying to inveigh against the controller, were cooled by boiling my characters with me, still and cold as a snowman. Only a little 'less expressive.
The Swedes do not complain never short . The event looked like a May Day parade for the fascist and discipline that kept the pace. They are always quiet, and everyone knows that when one is angry the worst thing that can happen is to have front of a perfectly quiet. If you come to Sweden, put it into account and try to get sick of Lagom too.
Today I was on my way to Malmö, now resigned to this new lifestyle without jerks, when an innocent slip lane following a wrong indication of the navigator, my ears now hear the ancient sound of a horn fierce and prolonged. Eagerly looking in the mirror - hoping to have found someone to rely on my Italian - I saw a machine strictly non Metallic red and just above the steering wheel I see clearly a tick coppola hat. The look runs to the passenger. A woman with the permanent and her purse in her lap, the thin mouth in a face downwards, underlined by the large lines that run through the face.
The first thought is "TWO OLD PEOPLE." The memory runs at Rome, immediate and clear. At 127 beige that forced me to pull over and wait four minutes before leaving.
I think, divided between anger and gratitude for the horn to protest "that's who exceed the cultural barricades, that's the hope of a united, they, are the old, made the stencil and around the world to make all the same and, most importantly, immune from Lagom ! Thank you. "
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