THE MORNING 27.09.2010
The residents of Market Square will not give up the idea that the church of Santa Croce can be erased from their lives. At the news that the City has already considered desecrated and broke it sold rented by a cultural association, has taken the mobilization: "We are in there been baptized, have made their first communion, we got married. We have, unfortunately, accompanied our loved ones last trip. We have waited three decades for the restoration, now we discover that the church will not be returned to the cult. " To support the protest of residents, the municipal councilor Gianfranco Wurzburger he started work and has identified alternative sites to offer theatrical association to conduct its activities in the market but for the people leaving the church of Santa Cross to the cult: "Three large commercial premises owned by the town square are in the large market, in San Donato in via James Savarese. Are vacant and large enough to meet the needs of the association. " For its part, the association PuntoZeroCamp, created to carry out the work in the church of Santa Croce, listening to the calls for local people: "We will defend the church and help restore the dignity it deserves - says one of the founders, Angelo Laurino - Our goal is to create a gathering place for all. To give light to the church and cultural activities that make her return to its former glory. " The concerns about the granting of the church resulting in dense, in fact, the monumental importance of the medieval structure, in which houses, among other things, the strain on which he was beheaded Conrad of Swabia, "Protect this finding - Laurino said - and all the other stuff in the church. That place, with the size and height, it will be to carry out our activities. " But just about the interior of the church is an early sign of misunderstanding between the association and the municipality. The commissioner D'Aponte, who spoke on the controversy, stated that 'the association has been given at present, only the portion of the restored building (located behind the church ed.). The Administration remains committed to completing the restoration work, to make available in future in the church its entirety. When the restoration is completed will be taken into account any other circumstances of use. " According to Angelo Laurino is not so: the association PuntoZeroCamp can use the church as a whole. But this story is of little interest to people who protest: people would simply return to the Market Square to attend mass there. PuntoZeroCamp The association, however, points out that it is not possible to return to worship that church: "According to the canonical code if the churches are partly destroyed lose their dedication. Altars in there, too, were destroyed, there are more ...». Communicated the sad news from PuntoZeroCamp. When we entered the church, last March, the altars were still there, we kept the photos, it is true that today there are more, someone has stolen them. Further insult to the church of Corradino. pa. bar
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