What remedial gymnastics?
The corrective exercises is based on exercises carried out on all fours, lying down or sitting position erected.
There are methods that perform exercises are only 4 feet, but it is also important to work on standing and sitting to give the child / adolescent correction of movement and posture in physiological conditions of daily life.
The muscles of the concave side are retracted and keep the vertebrae from the sloping part of the scoliotic curve, so you do exercises to maintain posture and lengthen them.
It 'important to work in a position shortened the muscles that were put to the stretch from the convexity of the curve, otherwise you will have to increase in a state of stretching those who were in the convexity of the curve.
Among the exercises and postures, some important ones are the elongation, or remove the head from the sacred.
can to lift the weights on the head of the child / adolescent or giving references you try to stretch and straighten the spine.
This work is also to improve the sitting posture during activities of daily living.
There are two main categories of exercises: the symmetric and asymmetric ones, the former are carried out with both sides of the back or neck, while the latter are carried out only with a shoulder or a hip so as to involve mainly the muscles only one side of the trunk.
The patients seriously have to perform the exercises in particular asymmetric, while the attitudes scoliosis or those with a less pronounced slope of the column will work almost entirely symmetrically.
As you run and what are the objectives of remedial gymnastics?
The first thing the scoliotic patient must do is realize how tilted his column to be able to correct it, to do this using tools like the mirror orthopedic, photographs and the wall.
also will perform a program of remedial gymnastics and change its posture daily taking positions that tend to reduce the scoliosis and avoiding worse than that.
right lumbar scoliosis convex.
activities to improve balance give the right stimuli to the vestibular system, and stimulate the child or adolescent to perceive the position of the individual parts of the body and seek a correction of posture.
An important part of the remedy is dedicated to strengthening the back muscles, lower back and abdominal muscles that create a corset tonic gives support to the spine and slows progression of the curve.
The front of the trunk muscles (abdominal, intercostal, hip flexors) originates from the vertebrae and ribs, so to concentrate only on the rear fascia of the back causing muscle imbalances and weakness in certain movements.
exercises to be carried out in the sessions of remedial gymnastics following ways: Klapp, Neiderhoffer, etc. Iop. Because there is no perfect system ever, each has its strengths and weaknesses, but among them are complementary.
Running an exercise over another must be decided according to the type of scoliosis of the child / adolescent, and you must change over time in light of the development curve.
In severe cases of scoliosis surgery is recommended to use a brace or cast or guardian to block the advance of the curve and correct as far as possible.
As you have to work before using the tutor.
remedial activity to be done is primarily done with isometric exercises asymmetric straightening, pulling and stretching the spine, movement on all planes of space: flexion, extension, angles, rotations etc.. And for strengthening the abs.
Do not forget the preparatory exercises to rehabilitate breathing.
How should work with the guardian?
The active mobilization of the column is to be avoided even when wearing the brace because it's like if you "shake the Tower of Pisa", if the balance is precarious we risk making the situation worse.
why we focus on isometric contractions of the lumbar muscles, back, chest and abdomen which consolidate the results obtained with the corset or brace and avoid that when you remove the spinal column returns wrong.
To give more stability to the guy fit into the program, some of-motion exercises and strengthening the muscles of the shoulder and hip.
The boy must learn to hear the new tilt column and better coordination with the targeted activities.
A the respiratory tract should be taught the boy to breathe free from the legal guardian, or that of the concavity.
Scoliosis double curve back injury left cervico-thoracic and right.
As you correct the curve by the method Klapp?
Klapp The method is based on the assumption that in animals that live in position on all fours (dogs, cats, lions, etc.). Scoliosis is not formed, and then tends to the patient assume the position on all fours. The advantages of
poszione on all fours are the cancellation effect of gravity, the muscles of the back and torso is relaxed because they must support the weight and balance, also the spine is more mobile.
The angle of the torso forward kyphosis lumbar spine blocks the lateral movement, so you can concentrate on movement at the back.
As you correct the curve by the method Neiderhoffer?
Neiderhoffer The method was created based on the principle that it is not sufficient to carry out exercises of elongation of the spine or the muscles of one side.
There are two groups of muscles in the back working in a different and complementary
muscles that originate in the upper vertebrae and ribs to fit on the lower or basin, with vertical course;
muscles that originate from the vertebrae and insert on the scapula or the arts and have horizontal course.
A curve to the left column to counteract the gravity will keep shrinking and stretching the muscles of the left side horizontal, while the right hand side there will be a wasting of less use.
As you correct the curve by the method IOP?
The method is an evolution of IOP Klapp, is based on the assumption that the control of the position on all fours, which supports only one hand and a knee does not allow a proper execution of the exercises.
The boy must be able to support both hands and knees, extend your leg if you must keep your foot on the ground and not raised.
E 'possible to raise an arm or both, keeping the back.
The hip flexion or one leg lets you move the fix from the upper thoracic spine to the lower lumbar.
lifting a shoulder or hip than the other cancels the rotation of the spine caused by scoliosis.
What sport can make a kid with scoliosis?
Sport practiced in a competitive industry is not recommended because it can aggravate the curve, but a mild level helps the child to relate to others and not to be restrictions for the paramorphism.
sports that can help most is the basketball rebound and gives a boost to the other, karate that forces us to assume an upright posture, golf is done outdoors and is asymmetrical.
Swimming is not harmful, but while in the 80s and 90s it was recommended because it was widely believed that he could straighten the spine, in recent years has taught us that good can not correct the spine as it is a job too symmetrical and out of the natural conditions of the boy, so can not help in correcting posture.
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