In life seemingly inexplicable things happen in their perfect harmony. Often remain amazed by the observation that a lot of events and that they fit almost magically from a seed planted may also arise inadvertently inflorescences unpredictable and extraordinarily comprehensive.
It happened so that just the Himalayas, the most amazing place I have ever seen before, wanted to give me the spark to admire one of the most fascinating and moving of the kind which, ironically, was just two steps (about 2000 km, the "two steps from Sweden") from home.
It took a short, Bhutan, and more specifically an Italian boy met there, to push me to become interested in the phenomenon of 'Northern Lights Visible (not always) in areas beyond the Arctic Circle in winter nights. Fascinated by his descriptions, I have brought to mind what little I knew about that and I attributed that mostly to the mythical legends of northern peoples (famous for their imagination, for that matter with the cold had to do something), I felt that the right thing to do was walk together.
Ilana and I have followed and then the voice of the Himalayas, which has given us visions able to overcome his own beauty.

On January 7, 2011 I, Ilana, Cecilia Claudio and we were thus confronted with a spectacle breathtaking, whose narrative exceeds human capacity. While it is already difficult to contemplate the beauty, it becomes almost impossible to describe. But I, I love challenges, I'll try the same.
Getting to see the Northern Lights was almost a mystical experience. A walk up the hill at the edge of a chair in the polar night, surrounded by silence and a boundless sky, the limit was dictated only by a horizon that darkness made it imperceptible. A blanket of snow bluish, which drew little light from the expanse of stars, made from soft flooring to our slide noiselessly, marked only by the hissing of the cable car. The intense cold and the horizon black and glittering star-open front gave us a strong illusion of suspension in space. Slipped away from reality and dream, while the other side of the mountain, which slowly approached, some flares were becoming stronger and higher, as if someone were to light skirting the summit of the mountain. Enraptured by the vision we had reached the base camp, but without the time to watch other people. It was enough to walk a few meters into the icy snow to make a stellar silence enveloping us and everything that surrounds us becomes useless in the face of the sky where the dawn was already proving its magnificence.
first language of light coming out from behind the mountain, then suddenly and with lightning speed the sky, dark but not black as could be assumed in a place where the sun went down at lunchtime, was crossed by a trail light that was divided and then danced before leaving and then curled curled out flashes green and pink. Then suddenly the dark and again just the stars.
As a dance the light came back from behind the mountains for several lines that still divide the horizon streak. Now a river flowed bright in the sky and chase each other, joined and then gave birth to new light sources, and fluttered and moved, the successive waves of cosmic no rules and direction.
The show will last for about two hours. The most intense lights went on for a few minutes and then gave way in the dark, as if the strokes of light, too tired for a creative endeavor, they needed to rest.
This "rest", the first night, we played was more like a final sleep, and so we took the gondola to return to base camp around 23. The cold was intense, certainly below -20 ° c, but not the case because what we used to kidnap our attention was a long strip of intense green light that accompanied us during the descent becoming increasingly strong. Just put your foot on the ground we found just the time circled to observe one of the most magnificent outbursts of Northern Lights that we could imagine. Two languages \u200b\u200bare met by creating a shower of multicolored light, which took much of the sky and from which sprang all forms of language and composition, which had the power not to turn the brightness of the stars, but to increase it if possible. Then suddenly, again the dark. The quiet, the dance of light was over. We had not even had time to try to photograph it, as we were enraptured by its beauty. And maybe it was the right thing.
The next evening we returned to the observatory and witnessed other phenomena beautiful aurora borealis, now vertical, horizontal hours, always bright, almost fluorescent. Falls and surges of light, glare vortices will never forget. The photos we took (with sensational exposures) does not do justice to the ecstatic beauty of the phenomenon and then install them only because they can give you a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we saw.
The northern lights are something unique in natural phenomena. Look at the IguazĂș Falls after being in those Marmore certainly is "breathtaking", as observed after a trip to the Everest Terminillo. But it's better than "quantity" are mountains "More" big waterfalls "more" high. The sunrise is different, is unique and not comparable to anything else to know (perhaps only to the rainbow, but it holds much less appeal because of its higher frequency and distribution).
As I said at the beginning of amazing things happen and for harmony and perfection of nature gives us a unique and amazing phenomenon, provided we are willing to dress up a bit 'more to appreciate it ... :)
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