Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hair Is Thinning In Front
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Purple And Blue Highlights

What remedial gymnastics?
The corrective exercises is based on exercises carried out on all fours, lying down or sitting position erected.
There are methods that perform exercises are only 4 feet, but it is also important to work on standing and sitting to give the child / adolescent correction of movement and posture in physiological conditions of daily life.
The muscles of the concave side are retracted and keep the vertebrae from the sloping part of the scoliotic curve, so you do exercises to maintain posture and lengthen them.
It 'important to work in a position shortened the muscles that were put to the stretch from the convexity of the curve, otherwise you will have to increase in a state of stretching those who were in the convexity of the curve.
Among the exercises and postures, some important ones are the elongation, or remove the head from the sacred.
can to lift the weights on the head of the child / adolescent or giving references you try to stretch and straighten the spine.
This work is also to improve the sitting posture during activities of daily living.
There are two main categories of exercises: the symmetric and asymmetric ones, the former are carried out with both sides of the back or neck, while the latter are carried out only with a shoulder or a hip so as to involve mainly the muscles only one side of the trunk.
The patients seriously have to perform the exercises in particular asymmetric, while the attitudes scoliosis or those with a less pronounced slope of the column will work almost entirely symmetrically.
As you run and what are the objectives of remedial gymnastics?
The first thing the scoliotic patient must do is realize how tilted his column to be able to correct it, to do this using tools like the mirror orthopedic, photographs and the wall.
also will perform a program of remedial gymnastics and change its posture daily taking positions that tend to reduce the scoliosis and avoiding worse than that.
right lumbar scoliosis convex.
activities to improve balance give the right stimuli to the vestibular system, and stimulate the child or adolescent to perceive the position of the individual parts of the body and seek a correction of posture.
An important part of the remedy is dedicated to strengthening the back muscles, lower back and abdominal muscles that create a corset tonic gives support to the spine and slows progression of the curve.
The front of the trunk muscles (abdominal, intercostal, hip flexors) originates from the vertebrae and ribs, so to concentrate only on the rear fascia of the back causing muscle imbalances and weakness in certain movements.
exercises to be carried out in the sessions of remedial gymnastics following ways: Klapp, Neiderhoffer, etc. Iop. Because there is no perfect system ever, each has its strengths and weaknesses, but among them are complementary.
Running an exercise over another must be decided according to the type of scoliosis of the child / adolescent, and you must change over time in light of the development curve.
In severe cases of scoliosis surgery is recommended to use a brace or cast or guardian to block the advance of the curve and correct as far as possible.
As you have to work before using the tutor.
remedial activity to be done is primarily done with isometric exercises asymmetric straightening, pulling and stretching the spine, movement on all planes of space: flexion, extension, angles, rotations etc.. And for strengthening the abs.
Do not forget the preparatory exercises to rehabilitate breathing.
How should work with the guardian?
The active mobilization of the column is to be avoided even when wearing the brace because it's like if you "shake the Tower of Pisa", if the balance is precarious we risk making the situation worse.
why we focus on isometric contractions of the lumbar muscles, back, chest and abdomen which consolidate the results obtained with the corset or brace and avoid that when you remove the spinal column returns wrong.
To give more stability to the guy fit into the program, some of-motion exercises and strengthening the muscles of the shoulder and hip.
The boy must learn to hear the new tilt column and better coordination with the targeted activities.
A the respiratory tract should be taught the boy to breathe free from the legal guardian, or that of the concavity.
Scoliosis double curve back injury left cervico-thoracic and right.
As you correct the curve by the method Klapp?
Klapp The method is based on the assumption that in animals that live in position on all fours (dogs, cats, lions, etc.). Scoliosis is not formed, and then tends to the patient assume the position on all fours. The advantages of
poszione on all fours are the cancellation effect of gravity, the muscles of the back and torso is relaxed because they must support the weight and balance, also the spine is more mobile.
The angle of the torso forward kyphosis lumbar spine blocks the lateral movement, so you can concentrate on movement at the back.
As you correct the curve by the method Neiderhoffer?
Neiderhoffer The method was created based on the principle that it is not sufficient to carry out exercises of elongation of the spine or the muscles of one side.
There are two groups of muscles in the back working in a different and complementary
muscles that originate in the upper vertebrae and ribs to fit on the lower or basin, with vertical course;
muscles that originate from the vertebrae and insert on the scapula or the arts and have horizontal course.
A curve to the left column to counteract the gravity will keep shrinking and stretching the muscles of the left side horizontal, while the right hand side there will be a wasting of less use.
As you correct the curve by the method IOP?
The method is an evolution of IOP Klapp, is based on the assumption that the control of the position on all fours, which supports only one hand and a knee does not allow a proper execution of the exercises.
The boy must be able to support both hands and knees, extend your leg if you must keep your foot on the ground and not raised.
E 'possible to raise an arm or both, keeping the back.
The hip flexion or one leg lets you move the fix from the upper thoracic spine to the lower lumbar.
lifting a shoulder or hip than the other cancels the rotation of the spine caused by scoliosis.
What sport can make a kid with scoliosis?
Sport practiced in a competitive industry is not recommended because it can aggravate the curve, but a mild level helps the child to relate to others and not to be restrictions for the paramorphism.
sports that can help most is the basketball rebound and gives a boost to the other, karate that forces us to assume an upright posture, golf is done outdoors and is asymmetrical.
Swimming is not harmful, but while in the 80s and 90s it was recommended because it was widely believed that he could straighten the spine, in recent years has taught us that good can not correct the spine as it is a job too symmetrical and out of the natural conditions of the boy, so can not help in correcting posture.
Why Are My Eyes Itching

What is this?
It 's a type of osteopathic manipulative therapy and consists of gentle traction and relaxation and is performed on patients with joint pain and muscle spasms
E' a technique used particularly in the cervical region for treatment of arthritis, muscle contractures and connective cervicobrachialgia, etc..
on the joints is helpful for improving circulation and nutrition of the cartilage.
on the muscles used to treat soft tissue contractures and painful contractions.
How to get tested? The pumping
is divided into three stages: tension, maintenance of tension and relaxation.
The first part is a smooth and regular traction that should not extend beyond their physiological tissue elasticity.
If you exceed this limit the reaction to pumping can be a major contraction or muscle spasm counterproductive.
This phase is crucial for muscle relaxation.
The third part of the technique is the issue of power-up, must be very slow to improve circulation and nourishment of the cartilage, which is essential in arthritis and joint degeneration.
The third phase of pumping also serves to detensionare the band of tissue connective present in any area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it is estimated that approximately 70% of the body is composed of connective tissue.
The pompages cervical can affect beneficial effect on low back pain or back pain by eliminating the pain and limitation of movement.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Difference Between An Ingrown Hair And Herpe
How many times has happened to be examined by a doctor who only looking at the MRI says, the symptoms are caused dall'ernia disk, or the pain is caused by 'arthritis, while the type of back pain they suffer has nothing to do with these degenerates.
This premise is necessary because back pain can have many causes, some easy to document with an instrumental test, but in most cases non-specific person's pain can not be identified by imaging (CT, X-ray etc.).
means for low back pain back pain, that is in the lower spine, it can be a sore back, but there are other causes.
is usually accompanied by muscle tension, stiffness and limitation of movement.
In most cases back pain is nonspecific, that is without diagnostic imaging examinations and tests to identify an orthopedic case.
Inflammation back is usually accused by patients of all ages.
The history and a thorough medical examination will rule out any possible source of visceral pain.
Most patients who come to the doctor and physiotherapist also suffers from neck pain, back pain or backache common.
The lumbar back pain can be acute or chronic, the difference is in the fact that acute pain disappears within thirty days, if the chronic pain continues beyond thirty days without knowing for how long.
The lumbago is an episode of acute low back pain is characterized by severe pain. The affected person is bent forward property because any movement that tries to do is extremely painful.
Since then sits or lies down sideways waiting for an improvement that will not arrive before 24 hours.
E 'strongly discouraged to try to straighten up with that pain because it may damage other structures in addition to exacerbate the pain and inflammation.
The lumbago is a type of low back pain much more painful and is characterized by a high rigidity.
What are the causes?
Many patients enter the clinic saying that they have back pain because the vertebrae and discs are crushed or consumed, but only a small percentage of cases that is true.
The causes of nonspecific low back pain can be different: a sedentary job is too heavy or too frequent lifting of objects, atrophy of the paravertebral and abdominal muscles associated with a poor fitness, poor posture or sports racing too hard.
Sometimes specialists believe that depression or poor and repetitive work can cause back pain because they have noticed that statistically it is.
often suffer from low back pain in pregnancy because the body undergoes internal change due to weight: the anteversion pelvis and increased lumbar lordosis.
The ligaments and other soft tissues become more elastic, this deterioration of the body is added to the subluxation of the sacrum in relation to the iliac bones of the pelvis, which gives the classic low-back pain of pregnant women.
Another cause of back pain can be a bad shoe, shoes hard or too low can download bad impact with the ground level of the vertebrae, while a poor foot support can overload certain muscles over others.
Low back pain can be caused by an asymmetry of the lower limbs that require a crooked posture, such as scoliosis.
There are
visceral causes for back pain such as endometriosis, such as rheumatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis, vertebral fractures, spondylolisthesis, osteoarthritis (spondylosis), infections and malignancies.
E 'need for a medical examination to exclude all diseases attributable to non-orthopedic physician before undertaking treatment.
In adults, especially in the elderly and the spondylosis and the formation of osteophytes can lead to inflammation of the intervertebral joints, and then give pain.
In my experience you should try to treat back pain as a mechanical joint or muscle disorder, in fact almost all patients who present at the clinic, this is the case.
During the motion, if a vertebra does not flow in a straight line and adjust to each other, sliding friction and produce pain.
As a result of trauma, repetitive microtrauma, or muscle overload, it is possible that the point of greatest tension of the muscles that perform a particular movement may form bridges between the collagen bands of connective tissue of these.
These bridges of collagen are formed by trapping a nerve ending, thus causing pain during movement, and sometimes even while standing still over the loss of strength and functional limitation.
The causes of lumbago are sudden movements or efforts to collect such a heavy object on the ground (eg. a bowl) made by bending the lumbar spine.
If these bends are performed in a broken vertebrae that do not flow from one another in their tracks, but "derail" even very little, the body's reaction is an exaggerated contraction of small muscles that connect one vertebra to another .
In this case there is a rotation millimeter than the last lumbar vertebra L5 to the sacrum and the joint is misaligned.
more detail the situations that predispose to this disorder are: lift objects off the ground without bending your knees, accidents, sleep in one position too convoluted or on a mattress that s'affossa, overexertion.
A patient taking a shot of cold air does not develop back pain as often thought, though it may tighten the muscles and complicate a problem that already existed.
The lack of elasticity of the muscles is a factor that predisposes to lumbago.
The strong contraction in place by the muscles of the back is a defense mechanism, can be compared to a stiff neck, but it is bilateral.
How to get the diagnosis?
The doctor is always looking lesions, disk disease, tendon or ligament tears, scoliosis, prominent mismatch, infection, inflammation, etc.., if not nothing is what it says? In most cases requiring an anti-inflammatory or send the neurologist-psychiatrist, etc.. Even when the patient has no problems that arise in the mind.
Low back pain is simply pain in the lumbar spine, then the diagnosis is to identify the type of pain: inflammatory, mechanical, etc..
A thorough examination is the first thing to do and is irreplaceable by any instrumental test.
The doctor after seeing the painful area, carried out routine tests and the answer will determine if it is painful to the touch needed a more thorough investigation because of suspected disease confirmed by imaging.
examinations most useful in cases of back pain orthopedic appliance, are:
nuclear magnetic resonance to detect possible herniated disc
X-ray shows the bones and the space between them, showing arthrosis and fractures;
the analysis of blood and urine for the presence of any malignancy or Paget's disease or rheumatic diseases;
bone scintigraphy to search for possible metastases
electromyography (EMG) to assess the conductivity of nervous.
Scoliosis may be a cause of early osteoarthritis in one part of the column, which supports more than body weight, but is not painful in itself.
Some muscles are kept in elongation because the column is tilted and rotated to one side, then stretch the opposite side is continuous, this can cause muscle soreness.
The lumbago is immediately obvious to the location where the patient and the spinal block.
The doctor will visit the subject to determine whether the causes of the disorder is the sudden movement or if it is the consequence of other diseases.
What is the best treatment right?
Low back pain is simply pain in the lumbar spine, and then only to treat orthopedic problems.
The most important thing to do to prevent low back pain is the control of posture and the holding of a regular program of exercises and stretching target.
Many patients ask me if it's just reinforcement of the abdominal muscles to solve the problem, my advice is to avoid them completely until you suffer from back pain, can then be included in the program with others.
It 'necessary to avoid recurrence of low back pain that are often if not eliminate the cause, but only symptoms.
The patient should avoid bending your back while keeping the legs stretched out, vacuuming will keep your back straight and make the beds in the knee.
When you sit down you should keep a lumbar roll to maintain the physiological lordosis.
The best treatment for low back pain of mechanical-inflammatory therapy is a combination of instrumental (CO2 laser, Tecar) and manual therapy to put in the axis vertebrae and remove the muscle and fascial tension.
physiokinesitherapy The stretching and relaxation is also recommended as a preventive measure.
In the case of lumbago treatment is more cautious, for the first 48 hours is preferable to bed rest, then the therapy is instrumental in massage therapy and treatment for the inflammation, also gentle manual therapy and physiotherapy to eliminate the cause of the disorder.
The prognosis varies depending on the age of the subject, under the age of 35 heal in less than a week, but older people need about ten sessions.
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The main back disorders
disc herniation and sciatica
True sciatica is very rare, unfortunately I often see patients who are diagnosed erroneously because they feel pain located between the back and knees.
In fact, the pain starts from the lumbar spine or from the hip and runs down the leg side or rear, without affecting the calf and the foot is not caused by a protrusion of the intervertebral disc.
The sciatic is a set of symptoms that arise from the nerve root of one or more lumbar vertebrae and occur throughout the course of the sciatic nerve to the foot.
The pain must be experienced without interruption from day one because if the nerve is compressed does not work well in any of the body regions it crosses.
True sciatica is usually caused dall'ernia disc disease, which is a part of the intervertebral disc moves back and goes to press on the nerve root.
If the disc presses on osteophytes, or bone calcification due to arthrosis of hernia talking tough.
Lateral view / posterioredella lumbar spine with herniated disk (red) that presses on nerve roots L3-L4 (Yellow).
If the vertebrae are crushed, how often refer patients and doctors, it means that the disc is dried, the liquid that is lost in the nucleus pulposus or expelled.
In some cases you may have a emisacralizzazione or sacralization of L5, which is a congenital bone malformation in which the space between two vertebrae physiological disappeared last lumbar vertebrae and transverse processes are joined to the sacrum.
The sciatic nerve is formed by nerve roots that emerge from the holes of the last three lumbar vertebrae and the first three sacral.
the nerve carries sensory stimuli (sensitivity) and the contractile (for muscle contraction), if it is compressed by the disc protrusion its operation is compromised, then: a loss of strength and sensitivity, as well as pain and tingling to foot.
The lumbar sciatica is almost always on one leg, are the most unique and rare cases where it is bilateral.
point out that a study published on PubMed in 36 healthy subjects, 80% had at least a bulging disc and about 30% of a protrusion, but do not experience symptoms for nerve compression is not significant, also more than 75% of these has at least one intervertebral disc broke.
What is the cause?
posture with her back arched forward, his legs crossed the pelvis rotated.
The cause of the herniation of the intervertebral disc is a strong pressure on the intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus that fissure the rear and pushes the nucleus pulposus to the nerve root.
When you bend forward without bending your knees, the weight is loaded on the vertebrae increases up to 600%, the vertebrae before they approach and move away after pushing back the intervertebral disc.
One of the most common causes of disk herniation is lifting a weight from the floor with legs relaxed.
too bad posture while sitting with her back arched forward and his legs crossed may lead to long this problem.
One of my overweight patients spent a period in which he was working a lot more sitting around 12/16 hours a day, getting experienced a sharp pain to the foot; obesity united all'iportofia paravertebral muscle arising from the sedentary life has caused the herniated disc.
A cause minor herniated disc can be a trauma like a car crash, although it is much more likely to cause a herniated cervical.
What are the symptoms?
The patient with low back sciatica dall'ernia caused the disc must feel pain along the nerve, loss of sensitivity and strength as well as tingling in the foot.
The pain must be continuous and constant, it can get worse with certain movements or assuming certain positions.
Many patients ask me: How do I get the herniated disc if I do not have back pain?
specify that you often come across patients with nonspecific pain that starts from the buttock and radiates vertically in the posterior-lateral thigh to the knee, in this case is not about low back sciatica, but piriformis syndrome and external rotation of the knee. In these subjects the test of femoral and sciatic nerve were negative, that is, lying in a supine position is able to raise the extended leg without back pain, but there are some movements that fail to do, first of all the overlapping "men" of the legs while sitting or test Faber. From this condition, the pain may travel in the front and inner thigh or vertically to the leg, affecting antagonists piriformis and external rotation of the knee, ie the external rotators.
Another type of patient who had surgery often occurs in non-specific pain in the buttock region and in the center rear of the thigh, ie at the level of the hip flexors that with the passage of time can also move about the region of the antagonists, namely the quadriceps. Patients who are struggling to lift the knee toward your chest and in severe cases occurring during the normal activities of daily life for the failure of the leg. The test is done in these cases is to give a kick in the back and a kick back from that position, usually exacerbates the pain, but the test for the compression of the sciatic nerve is negative. From a lying supine with legs raised and knees bent, the patient will be unable to resist pressure to relax the lower limb.
The third type of patient is rare, has non-specific pain outside of the buttock and thigh area of \u200b\u200bthe hip abductors after a few weeks can be extended to instep or inside of the thigh in the region of the antagonistic muscles: hip adductor muscles (gracilis, adductor longus and short). Although not lumbo-sciatica, the pain is very strong, can be felt during the night and especially in the morning after getting up. These individuals fail to give a side kick with the affected leg and even a slow side kick with the healthy limb because the load on the limb to compensate sick outside, brings great pain. Again the test Lasègue and femoral nerve were negative.
In these cases, treatment for disk hernia reduction inevitably fail because even if the patient has a protrusion of the intervertebral disc, is not what causes the symptoms.
I noticed that often these non-specific pain affecting people who have undergone surgery, including physical therapists who invented the manual therapies take account of past transactions.
In very rare cases, patients report bilateral symptoms, but some feel heaviness and weakness in both lower limbs.
Some patients report that after many tests, examinations and tests, doctors suspect that the cause of the pain is psychosomatic and send them to the neurologist or prescribing antidepressants, often without benefit.
The Lombo Sciatica is also known as "sciatica" symptoms should be given in a particular region of the back and lower limbs.
What makes it different from any of the three pain syndromes described above is that the hernia symptoms that radiate like a spiral vortex, while the piriformis syndrome and other nonspecific pain spread vertically and symmetrically in relation to the starting point.
If the disc protrusion is at the level of L5-S1 pain through the buttock, the rear central area of \u200b\u200bthe thigh and leg, the outside of the ankle and foot to the toes.
If the subject is L4-L5 root symptoms are felt in the lateral region of the buttock, thigh and leg up mid-calf, then radiates the front and on the instep to the central part of the foot is plantar to dorsal.
The nerve pain is terrible, the worst along with bone, the patient feels a burning sensation.
In the case of sciatica, the first day, patients are stuck in bed and can barely stand up.
The worst moments are turned in bed, bending to put on her socks and shoes, getting up from sitting or lying down and maintain a long position.
activities of daily life are painful and almost impossible.
rotations or lateral inclination on the one hand are generally stronger than the other.
How to diagnose sciatica?
diagnose sciatica simply by looking at the MRI of the lumbar spine is not sufficient, but if there is a protrusion or herniated disc that impression on the dural sac means that you can trigger a nerve compression symptoms of low back sciatica
There are tests that are as Lasègue which is to raise the extended leg with the patient lying supine, or walking on toes or heels.
In the visit, the patient should report symptoms such as feeling and in what regions of the body, medical history is essential to exclude non-orthopedic diseases: causes attributable to cancer, systemic, etc..
Patients should tell their doctor if he performed movements of incorrect or if you have experienced trauma.
MRI of the lumbar spine with L5-S1 herniation highlighted.
If pain is not caused dall'ernia disk, but is nonspecific or occurs in patients without disc herniation, the engine will run tests because certain movements cause pain or are carried out with excessive weakness.
In this case no longer speak of sciatica, but a connective tissue disorder, ie the deposition of neocollagene that is typical of granulation tissue repair processes.
then the bridges are formed between collagen muscles going to strangle or entrap a nerve, this results in loss of strength and pain that is felt in some cases even when standing still.
What is the treatment?
If the patient has a pain not due to nonspecific low back sciatica, treatment for the herniated disk will fail because it tries to treat a lesion that is not or is not the cause of pain.
Ozone therapy and surgery should be performed on patients who have symptoms suggestive certainly herniated disc because there are many cases of people continue to feel that surgery pain before, so the neurosurgeon good visit and analyze the patient well, is not limited only to look at the resonance.
Another mistake I see often is the patient with sciatica who runs a program for strengthening the abs in the gym or at home, it is essential to avoid these exercises until the pain disappears.
The Tecar therapy equipment such as lasers and can decrease the intensity of symptoms, but improvement may be temporary and unlikely to solve the problem.
I use myofascial manipulation of L. Stick, a method that dissolves the collagen bridges that trap the nerve and cause pain, this will eliminate the cause of the disorder.
consists of an intense massage on the points involved in the disorder for 5 / 10 minutes to remove the bridges of excess collagen.
Top view of an intervertebral disc with disc herniation.
Physical therapy works with excellent results in cases of protrusion or bulging disc, that is, if the outer fibrous annulus fibers are not completely broken.
If the hernia is expelled and migrated, a part of the nucleus pulposus is out of its anatomical location and has moved beyond the annulus fibrosus, if the patient is experiencing much pain, you can do with lasers, ozone therapy or surgery.
Today, only one patient out of 400 with a herniated disc will work in all other cases, physical therapy or other treatments are inadequate.
In the case of lumbo-sciatica caused by a disc protrusion, the best treatment is the McKenzie method, which positions held by, or free-body exercises with the over-pressure of the patient and the therapist encourages the mobilization and nucleus pulposus within its anatomical site enough to not have pain.
Any therapy must be accompanied by improving posture, possibly by changing the mattress or the bed of the network and the control of sitting posture.
The intervertebral disc not return intact, but the patient ceases to feel pain. The instrumental
therapy can help in removing the inflammation and any contractions, but they can not put the disk back in its place, you need a mechanical therapy.
Once cured, it is advisable to follow a fitness program with specific exercises in the gym or yoga.
facet joint syndrome
What is this?
The joints between the posterior processes of the vertebrae are called zigoapofisarie.
If the bones undergo degenerative changes with age due to arthritis of the articular surfaces are asymmetrical and the bones do not slide on each other without friction or restriction.
The consequences are excessive degradation of articular cartilage and in some cases, the posterior subluxation and a distraction of the facet joint capsule of the L5-S1.
E 'possible to find the presence of cysts communicating with the joint.
This process leads to irritation of the joints zigoapofisarie.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are pain in the data side of the spine, in the groin and gluteal area over the back of the thigh.
The symptoms increase with hyperextension with contralateral tilt and rotation, in addition to prolonged standing. There is an improvement
lying in bed and leaning forward to move away because joint rear area as if you pull on one vertebra over the other.
How to get the diagnosis?
lumbar facet joint syndrome can be diagnosed by taking into account the symptoms, diagnostic imaging should show advanced arthritis of the joints zigoapofisarie well as a possible cyst.
Tests that may show degeneration of the joints and the formation of osteophytes are CT and MRI. The classic test
Lasègue and femoral nerve are both negative.
There are no tests or other tests to confirm with certainty this syndrome, the only thing that can demonstrate is the anesthetic block of the facet joint is suspected.
What is the best treatment?
Conservative treatment consists of physical therapy such as laser or Tecar combined with the repositioning of the facet joints by moving back together to pressure targeted vertebral performed by an experienced physiotherapist.
E 'shall also be provided with physical therapy and muscle strengthening exercises in flexion.
The infiltration of anesthetic drugs and cortisone in the joints zigoapofisarie is used only in case of failure of conservative treatment and only in selected cases.
There is an experimental therapy that was successful for many patients: percutaneous neurotomy is a new technique of treatment which consists of denervation of sensory nerve fibers of the facet joint radiofrequency.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Jenna Haze And August
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Why Does Stomach Rollercoaster

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How Much Does It Cost For Braces On Top
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pregnancy If Second Line F

Tutors in physiotherapy
Tutor for LCA.
For diseases of the skeletal muscle may be necessary guardians immobilizing or restricting the movement of joints.
In post-operative transplant ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) serves a block of the knee within a range between 0 ° and 30 ° or between 0 ° and 60 °. This
guardian must be worn in the first 30/40 days after the operation, 24 hours a day, so it is important that is comfortable for the patient.
You can walk with this stake, but to do the rehabilitation is to be removed in order to maintain the elastic knee joint and the muscles acting on the joint.
E 'suitable for: sprains, meniscus pain, support for the rehabilitation, post-surgical stages.
Patients with elbow pain, epicondylitis suffer if they need a guardian discharges forces dall'epicondilo away.
E 'fundamental right place because this band Instead of moving the point of the extensor muscles and supinator of the forearm can press on the painful area and then worsening the inflammation pain.
In the correct position allows the patient not to suffer before and during therapy, is also an excellent prevention when it is already healed.
Unlike the knee brace you should wear it only during activities that overload the joint is not needed at night.
E 'suitable for: epicondylitis or tendinopathy.
Tutor for epicondylitis.
Tutor to center the patella. The central guardian
patella is used in patients with pain in suffering from knee patellofemoral syndrome: 20patologie%%% 20of% 20del'articolazione 20Ginocchio.htm # SindromeFemoroRotulea.
be used throughout the day, this tutor allows the kneecap to move inward or outward depending on the patient's disorder.
In this way, the bone flap is divided and flows well with the femur in the intercondylar notch without creating friction between the bones, inflammation, and excessive wear of the cartilage.
not need to have this brace at night because without movement and load the joint does not flash.
E 'suitable for: subluxation of the patella, patellar instability, patellofemoral syndrome, tendonitis, joint laxity.
The brace immobilizes the wrist joint and is easily adjustable.
E 'more practical than a plaster cast or a shower at night and must be kept moving and turning in bed because it can affect inflammation.
The fingers are free and can make certain movements not as heavy as helping the other hand When connecting the shoes.
Immobility allows the articulation of the bone or to rest up in case of fracture in contact leaves the stumps so they can consolidate, in the case of distortion avoid relapses before and during rehabilitation.
E 'suitable for: fractures, sprains, tendinitis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and post-operatively.
brace for the wrist
Tutor drive to the back.
The corset for your back has metal slats that make the weight off of the trunk from the ribs to the pelvis, so that the vertebrae and discs weighs less weight.
be used only during the day gives much relief to those suffering from back pain and is especially useful in elderly patients, can be adjusted easily.
E 'not recommended to keep this long corset, if possible should be removed after the first two days to avoid weakening the muscles back.
This tutor also gives a sense of relief and containment like a Pancera.
E 'suitable for: back pain, sciatica, arthritis, and to give relief in case of oncological diseases.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Historical Period Of 1800-1812?
Saturday was one of those classic days divided in two. A first part of culture, with a visit to the town of Kristianstad, a coffee nell'elegantissimo center and especially the participation in the famous book fair in the region. Just a shame that in Sweden, it was easily inferable, the books are in Swedish and then the thing has played for us a very marginal interest.
But - and this was the real reason for our trip - in the afternoon he spoke to the audience favorite author Ilana, a Briton named Jasper Fforde , which is proved to be an excellent speaker and a fun entertainer. Finished the match - and just managed to snatch Ilana an autograph sympathetic to Albion - we left at a time of Lund, convinced that they had finished our pleasant afternoon.
But ...
On the way back we were not able to help noticing the caravanserai dell'astruso "Pulling tractor festival and obviously we could not resist a look.
Suddenly we found ourselves in a fair light of American-style, between the deafening noise of tractor engines that get hot for the race and the smell of donuts.
In a large open space had been set up this giant festival, with camping, "spontaneous" attached, which found its climax in the race of "pulling tractor."
In essence, huge tractors edited, polished and chrome as if they were just emerging from Pimp my ride, we were battling draw in huge weights on a straight path dirt.
that field probably was not Sweden. I suspect it was an enclave of Arizona land in Sweden, since all the paradigms of the people of Scandinavia were reversed. There was more silence, there was more respect for nature, there was no moderation, the Lagom was momentarily thrown. Bandits of the health food and healthy banned the pollution problem. Just lean people with shirts off and screwed to Panzoni in jeans and suspenders. The key word in that zone, was "exaggerated." And then suddenly emerged here that the vulgarity of the other Swedish (what we still do not know): the woodcutter . A man in his life of solitude, silence and flannel shirts, find pleasure in trade fairs and rustic noisy, greasy and fat in foods, amusements most basic and rural areas. And then the circus of tractor pulling, must-see with its stalls selling kitsch-motor and lights on impromptu carnival, it was thought appropriate for him.
While the total exaggeration of the thing, so enormous as to seem too out of place, it was fun for a day to watch the 'other Sweden. What certainly in small university towns and cities does not show. Sweden a very authentic and rustic, paradoxically, looks a lot like the America of the frontier.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Republic - July 29, 2010 page 9 section: NAPLES
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Estern Shore Raulph Lauren
Dozens of immigrants live in waste and sewage in the barracks without bathrooms or water set up at the city, the area near the port where it should rise to a green space. And no one intervenes
CRISTINA Zagari - August 12, 2010 REPUBLICThirty thousand square meters, between Via Amerigo Vespucci and yards of the Mediterranean, between the city and harbor. There are at least 20 cabins, each two-family, no bathroom, electricity or water. Although buildings are not improvised. Houses are built slowly, with the vestibule, the tin roofs, tents, beds. Thirty square meters, the entrance to the city, where a shanty town is growing quiet.
The latest report of the local social services is in June. The Second Municipality had identified a group of Roma families. Social services had surveyed 14 families. Now I'm almost triple. Roma and the majority are from the city of Calarasi. "We lived in Ponticelli, in Malibran, we came here for two weeks, there is also our uncle and my cousins, I ask for alms at the station ..." he begins to tell Luana, 9 years, but now operates a woman, perhaps his mother, who allows her to enter the cabin. The other children run and hide. There are many. Some small. "Let us in peace. Otherwise they are hunting. We do not bother anyone, "said one woman. A yellow dog wags his tail between the legs and she disappears in a hut with the blue tent. The houses of sheet metal and cardboard boxes are flattened against the wall that defines the boundaries of the port, hidden by tall shrubs burned by the sun. A baby sleeps in a stroller with wheels, transformed into a cradle. On a table, four hot dogs, bread and a bottle of coca cola. old clothes to the ground, dozens of shoes.
Just to 'entrance to the ghetto, on the side of the fish market, there's a bunch of pairs of shoes, all men, many still with tags, are outmoded, but they seem new. A short distance from the row of huts, among the weeds a blue umbrella and a pump, a black girl is washing her hair. And almost to the limit with the car park, which overlooks the street, another cabin with a boy of color lay sleeping on a cot with an unlit cigarette between his lips. Next to him a child in swaddling clothes in a basket. "I am Nigeria, the mother is Romanian. The mother is working," babbles the black and then understand that it wants to be bothered.
The heat amplifies the smell of fish, garbage, sewer drowning the squatter camp. Nearby is a bus terminus. On the one hand trucks entering and leaving the port, the other slow traffic in August of who comes to town.
"The night light fires and wash all naked in front of the huts with dried of water. There are lots of small children, often alone, living in hygienic conditions that would be scandalous for a zoo, "said Ermina F., who lives opposite the tower block in the ghetto, just above the bar" Pebble ".
The park is been subject to seizure in March 2008 for failing to put in safety and unsanitary. But the seizure, to date, only consists of some fences and rusty red ribbon. The area, which continues to call "Park" and that in projects the City should be, is no man's land. The Parco della Marinella, in fact, is one of the 649 goods available to federalism in Campania owned. In early July, the deputy mayor Tino Santangelo wrote to the land, seeking to bring forward the timetable for the transfer of ownership by the State Council. But, to date, Palazzo San Giacomo has not been answered.
And so in the land that is not nearly as State Property and is not yet the City in 2006 was found dead a Canadian, in 2008 Ghana was killed with a stab to the stomach and thrown into a manhole, a few weeks after a Moroccan man has been arrested, beaten and robbed in the summer of 2008 was discovered a clandestine dried fish run by a Bulgarian woman. And now there's the ghetto. The limbo of the invisible. "The history of this park has lasted for over 10 years - says Gianfranco Wurzburger , Alderman of the Second Municipality - and until there will be no transfer of property from state property to the City everything is stopped, because the eviction cost. If the area continues to be abandoned does not solve anything. We must act and soon. Immigrants need for acceptance and Neapolitans have their right to park. "
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Blueprints For Snowboard Rail
In Sweden, you know, summer lasts very little, so you should enjoy it fully and at all levels.
In summer, the Swedish girls are reborn, bloom their winter coats to meet sheathed in tiny bathing suit or shorts, ready to take advantage of every ray of sunshine and, of course, every male look. These eyes are not indigenous but evidently quite insightful, and the success which he received the Latino males in the 70's says a lot about this.
So now that the myth of the macho Mediterranean tan is a little 'faded (but will it?), As if having a great time the Swedish boys in their short but intense and torrid summer?
Simple, go to the pharmacy ! Two signs warn
the window in fact, very clearly, that there you can find all the ingredients for "the adventure of the summer" (and therefore sunscreens, tanning, etc.) and also for "the adventure of 'love' , symbolized in a refined way of exciting ointments, vibrators of every size and taste and various stimulators. Of course, all accompanied by the usual fun names like "Get to the point vibrator," "Trust in lust," "Geisha balls."
A DIY "Swedish full of sex in any minimum declination, made good on display in the central square of the city ...
and neighbor who asks me "but Swedish girls are there? ", not the most diplomatic answer" depends on the girls, then I do not know why I'm committed, "but the counsel to organize a picnic in the pharmacy.