Pregnancy does not necessarily mean abolishing all types of exercise physical. Conversely, if the expectant mother has no particular problems, adequate physical activity during the nine months can help both you and your child. Platitudes such as "pregnant should eat for two" or "should be avoided during pregnancy because any move could endanger the health of the unborn child" are outdated. Recent studies have shown that moderate physical activity is not competitive in addition to not hurt the course of helping pregnant women from both the physical and psychological. It also allows a faster recovery after childbirth and effective. Of course, since every pregnancy is different, before undertaking any exercise, it is essential consult your doctor who will issue a medical certificate to be submitted to the sports center. Secondly, it is essential to rely on specialized instructors who know how to behave in such situations. Pregnancy is certainly not a disease but it is certainly a particular psycho-physical state in which the disruptions in hormone levels affect both the physical structure of the mood of women. It is essential therefore an appropriate approach from both the physical as psychological. Clarify what sport and what to avoid is a priority. Sport
to avoid Downhill skiing, tennis, soccer, martial arts, horse riding should not be among the sports activities of a pregnant woman. In general, avoid all those extreme sports that may impact or compromise the integrity of the fetus. They are also to be discarded after the third month in all those activities that require a high degree of coordination and balance as a bicycle or motorcycle. Sport permitted
Walking, swimming, water-play exercise, exercise at the gym, dancing in moderation is certainly possible with a little trick. Drill further stretching steadily along with a bit 'of Yoga Pilates or may even help during labor.