(NEWS) - NAPLES, APRIL 9 - "Twenty tons of waste are
were taken in Piazza Garibaldi from Asia, thanks
all ' intervention of the police officers of the Society of Naples Stella,
VIII of the Municipal Police Unit, Councillor
the liveability of the Second Municipality. This was announced
Gianfranco Wurzburger, Councilor of the Liveability II
"This is clothing, boxes and garbage counterfeit
of various kinds. The illegal hawkers were made
away and Security forces have also carried out various
still. It 'was made a' legal operations''- said
Gianfranco Wurzburg r - but we are now in its tenth edition.
This is because the police just go away, the
sellers of "waste 'immediately resume his seat.
Asia's why we asked a garrison daily
constant: the taking must not only early but
seamless " . this will ensure cleaning and control of
square. This will support us both that the Carabinieri
local police who will preside over the territory and we thank
for the commendable work this morning. "
"Piazza Garibaldi is the calling card of the city to
tourists and Neapolitans themselves. Let us not
forget - concludes Wurzburg r - and work
together because the square does not become a receptacle for
garbage and illegal sales of goods. "(Reuters) .