misconduct must not be repeated!
The Morning July 2, 2010
It was the second municipal councilor livable, Gianfranco Wurzburger, to receive the first reports of discomfort of the Neapolitans were without water, "When we found that it was a huge loss we immediately contacted the civil protection to ensure a water supply alternative to people - said Wurzburger - the organizers began with the usual speed, though in the end it was not necessary to resort to trucks. " For the whole day has been in the municipal councilor dividing road between the construction of the Metro, where the technicians were working dell'Arin and commercial establishments in the area who were in crisis due to lack of water: "The bars have suffered the greatest damage to their lack of water is primarily about impossible to continue operating the espresso machine - says Wurzburger - but also for restaurants has been a difficult day . Fortunately, not all hotels that gravitate to that area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Garibaldi suffered inconvenience, or damage would have been another terrible image of tourism for our city. " The municipal councilor Wurzburger also decided to seek greater clarity on the reasons that create this type of accident: "It is not the first time during excavation damage to underground services are procured. I think it would need more attention. I, as a citizen, I can not explain how is it that is not found the location of a pipeline carrying the aqueduct, to take action before an excavator. I do not think that it is crucial to identify the culprit for this lack, however, is crucial for the future that there is greater care not to make citizens pay for the mistakes of others. " pa. bar.
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