Tutors in physiotherapy
Tutor for LCA.
For diseases of the skeletal muscle may be necessary guardians immobilizing or restricting the movement of joints.
In post-operative transplant ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) serves a block of the knee within a range between 0 ° and 30 ° or between 0 ° and 60 °. This
guardian must be worn in the first 30/40 days after the operation, 24 hours a day, so it is important that is comfortable for the patient.
You can walk with this stake, but to do the rehabilitation is to be removed in order to maintain the elastic knee joint and the muscles acting on the joint.
E 'suitable for: sprains, meniscus pain, support for the rehabilitation, post-surgical stages.
Patients with elbow pain, epicondylitis suffer if they need a guardian discharges forces dall'epicondilo away.
E 'fundamental right place because this band Instead of moving the point of the extensor muscles and supinator of the forearm can press on the painful area and then worsening the inflammation pain.
In the correct position allows the patient not to suffer before and during therapy, is also an excellent prevention when it is already healed.
Unlike the knee brace you should wear it only during activities that overload the joint is not needed at night.
E 'suitable for: epicondylitis or tendinopathy.
Tutor for epicondylitis.
Tutor to center the patella. The central guardian
patella is used in patients with pain in suffering from knee patellofemoral syndrome: http://www.fisioterapiarubiera.com/Le 20patologie%%% 20of% 20del'articolazione 20Ginocchio.htm # SindromeFemoroRotulea.
be used throughout the day, this tutor allows the kneecap to move inward or outward depending on the patient's disorder.
In this way, the bone flap is divided and flows well with the femur in the intercondylar notch without creating friction between the bones, inflammation, and excessive wear of the cartilage.
not need to have this brace at night because without movement and load the joint does not flash.
E 'suitable for: subluxation of the patella, patellar instability, patellofemoral syndrome, tendonitis, joint laxity.
The brace immobilizes the wrist joint and is easily adjustable.
E 'more practical than a plaster cast or a shower at night and must be kept moving and turning in bed because it can affect inflammation.
The fingers are free and can make certain movements not as heavy as helping the other hand When connecting the shoes.
Immobility allows the articulation of the bone or to rest up in case of fracture in contact leaves the stumps so they can consolidate, in the case of distortion avoid relapses before and during rehabilitation.
E 'suitable for: fractures, sprains, tendinitis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and post-operatively.
brace for the wrist
Tutor drive to the back.
The corset for your back has metal slats that make the weight off of the trunk from the ribs to the pelvis, so that the vertebrae and discs weighs less weight.
be used only during the day gives much relief to those suffering from back pain and is especially useful in elderly patients, can be adjusted easily.
E 'not recommended to keep this long corset, if possible should be removed after the first two days to avoid weakening the muscles back.
This tutor also gives a sense of relief and containment like a Pancera.
E 'suitable for: back pain, sciatica, arthritis, and to give relief in case of oncological diseases. physiotherapy
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