The case Farewell to the university chapel run by the Dominicans. The decision for the economic difficulties
Marisa Pen - THE MORNING - Lack of priests, financial difficulties, even theft and robbery. These are the reasons which led the ecclesiastical authorities to bar worship at one of the finest artistic works of the thirteenth century: it closes the door to the faithful of the church of St. Peter Martyr, the Corso Umberto I. From December 31 the two elderly priests permanently barred the monumental gate thereby inhibiting access to visitors practices of the temple. The complaint comes from Pariante Antonio, president of the "Civic Committee of Santa Maria di Portosalvo" which, in a statement, writes: "After a slow and inexorable agony has been struck through the door of the church of St. Peter Martyr, who is also the site of the chapel university. Forte is the regret of the residents and the many faithful of the area, especially older ones, after the closure of other churches in the district now finds itself having to give up the mass. " Great disappointment was expressed, therefore, the Committee Portosalvo which for years has been fighting for the redemption of Neapolitan heritage chiesistico "abandoned in the hands of predators of artworks and vandals who desecrate these places no sacred ground "as it is written in a statement Pariante. "In the historical center of Naples, which is under the protection of UNESCO since 1995 - says Pariante - approximately two hundred churches closed or ruined because of the absolute lack of a management plan for the proper protection and preservation of this patrmonio great historical and artistic represented largely by their beautiful and precious of Neapolitan churches currently is in disastrous extinction. " In this regard, precisely due to the continuous complaints committee Portosalvo, was recently put forward a parliamentary question to the Minister of Culture for answers on collapse of the Neapolitan heritage chiesistico it is therefore also HERITAGE World Heritage. "In the opinion of the Committee Portosalvo, responsibilities, in terms of neglect and abandonment, are all to be found locally." Finally Pariante sends a message to the cardinal, "Sepe is willing to reopen a number of churches, but is now confronted with the closure of the historic and monumental church of San Pietro Martire. Founded in 1294, the church which is located near the headquarters of the University Federico II, has therefore closed its doors. Explain Gianfranco Wurzburger, Councilor of the Liveability II Municipality: "The father provincial of the Dominicans delivered at the end year 2009, Cardinal Sepe keys of St. Peter Martyr. " So the wish: "I hope, however, that the church may soon be reopened for worship. St. Peter Martyr also because it has always been a point of reference for the youth of the neighborhood, especially the Borgo Orefici and reference for young sudenti university before going in the classrooms of the Faculty of Humanities Law and entrusted their prayers at St. Peter Martyr '.
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