Once, when I was young, I thought that the people who were more advanced (see Westerners) were genetically more gifted than others. Today, as today I changed my mind in part, in the light of some reading and some considerations that I have opened my eyes. Of course, I remain of the same opinion with regard to people like the Eskimos. I mean, if you are born in the ice, we have left to do? What do you fit? Get out, get a better place, too bad so what can happen? End up as a spectator in an episode of "OK the price is right" to scream "Cento Cento ?"... be 'maybe yes, but there you go to the search and then to say that nature gave you put over the ice around his head in the sand as well, so ...
But there are explanations for other peoples thinner. For example, the Mexicans. If one reads a history book, you say "the Europeans came and massacred them all (great civilization), because Europeans had the wheel and other knowledge to those who were missing. "One would think immediately" kill that stupid Mexican sti, not even able to invent a wheel and when I made gliel'hanno been able to see just let us know the brim of his sombrero. "But then I studied it and I realized that those were not the wheel because they did not need , since the failure of animals suitable for towing.
Here, once again the environmental conditions were decisive for the evolution of a people. Evolution we will judge on the basis of the road that we took, avoiding to consider all other possible directions but discarded along the course of history, for this reason or that (read indomitable desire to dominate). In short, it takes ass. And who judges must always be well prepared and tolerant, because in the end we are all here (except the Eskimos, they are "there").
So do not judge unless voletemene stupid drunk that Swedish children with -15 ° not have anything better to do in the evening that dig burrows in the midst of piles of snow are on the road ... obviously is a key prerequisite to any form of evolution ...
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